Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Tuesday was a long day.

I am now feeling pretty crummy and Tyler was going to be gone until about 9 tonight. I ended up letting the girls stay home from school because we got home so late. This helped me immensely as they could all entertain each other.

Behavior from both boys was excellent, everyone played well together and then when Huz came home, he took the Bigs (I am now calling the oldest 3 the Bigs and the youngest three the Littles) to our church to play basketball. They burned off some energy, came home and went to bed happy.

Pretty uneventful and guess what? That is good.

I need to add that although we have had some behavioral problems, this is to be expected from kids who have not had the opportunity of living with a loving, functional family. These kids have had quite the rough life thus far and their actions, I believe, are a direct result of their past. I am continuing to enjoy my time with them and still dread having to send them home.

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