Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movie Night

We thought that for our last Saturday with the boys we would play at the park and go to see a movie. All the kids were excited about this.

The park where we live rocks. It's pretty old, but also has lots of new equipment. Before we moved here we loved to come play here when we were vacationing. The boys loved being on the swings, spinning on this wheel thing and getting dizzy. They were hilarious. They would have us spin them, then they would get off and try to walk. We were all laughing. Then, huz, being the cool dad he is, started a game of chase on the big jungle gym. It kind of reminded me of King Kong. The kids were all running everywhere, trying to get away from him. He would go after them and make it up the stairs in one giant step, or he'd scale the outside of the tunnel slide. Everyone was screaming and squealing.

At one point BoyOne told me he needed to use the bathroom. The bathrooms at this park have been locked for the winter. But, here's where having boys is handy, I told him to just go pee on a tree. He thought that was pretty funny.

After the park, we headed into town to see a movie. I don't even know for sure the name of it. Megamind or something? Anyhow, the kids enjoyed it. I thought it was a little slow, but it had a good message. There is one line that I wish I could tattoo on all the kids. It says, "Destiny is not the path laid out in front of you, but the path you choose." Such wisdom in a cartoon. Isn't that the lesson of life? What are you going to do with your situation? What will you make of yourself? Too bad it wasn't a russian cinema. And I'm not thinking their choice of being adopted. I'm thinking of what will they choose to do with their lives? Regardless of where they are living. What will all of us do with our lives? I gave a talk in church a few weeks ago about free agency. For me, free agency is more than just making a good choice when there is a decision to be made. I believe free agency consists of continually choosing to do good. Not that I am the poster child for this at all. It's just something that I remind myself of a lot. I try to make life happen, instead of waiting for life to happen to me. Like I said, a work in progress.

After the movie we went to dinner at the Pizza Factory, a family favorite. On the way home I could tell that BoyOne was in not-a-great mood. He didn't do or say anything-that was my clue. He didn't listen to any music or try to chat or anything. Just sat very quietly and stared out the front window. What's going on in your mind? Don't you know that you don't have to figure everything out all by yourself? I think they are too used to being on their own. Too sad.

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