Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Wow. Friday was busy.

We started by getting everyone bathed and ready for the day. Preparations included packing everyone's Halloween costumes. It went fairly smoothly until BoyOne's fake bloody sword was broken. He and BoyTwo had been sword fighting and it was just too much action for that fake bloody sword. BoyOne was, to put it mildly, devastated. These are the times when their emotional age shines through and is very easily several years younger than their actual age. I really did feel bad for him. I mean it's his first Halloween ever and he was so excited.

We had to haul into SLC for dentist appointments at donated dental. BoyOne has some chipped teeth but I hadn't looked in his mouth to see if there were any obvious cavities. BoyTwo, however had at least 4 that I could easily see. By the time we got to donated dental for our 11 o'clock appointment, they were very behind schedule. I had all 6 kids with me. I had hoped to drop off the girls with a sitter but I was worried about time frame for the rest of the day so I ended up taking them with me. We were supposed to have an appointment with a Facilitator to get specific information about the boys entrance into the orphanage. This meeting was to be at 1. Fortunately Facilitator was held up in another appointment. We didn't even get into the dentist until 1. Yes ma'am. That is 2 HOURS later than our scheduled time!!!!!!! With 6 kids!!!!!!!

By the time we had our appointments the dentists were done giving fillings as they had already done so many and were so far behind schedule. This was very sad for me. BoyTwo has 6 cavities. They are all in baby teeth but 4 of them are really bad and are in molars that won't come out for a long time. I know that they hurt him:( And, as you all know, dental work without insurance is kinda pricey. BoyOne was scared to death. I held one of his hands and Three held his other hand. In the end, we were told that his teeth were great. Good news. BoyTwo was not at all nervous. He really is quite the character. Always making us laugh.

After we were finished at the dentist, we headed back to huz's parents house. They live in between our house and where we needed to be for the night so they let us come crash at their house for our Facilitator appointment. This helped us a ton. We couldn't have driven back and forth three times-it would've been way too crazy.

Facilitator ended up coming to the appointment a little after 3. This was just fine. She is a native Ukrainian and speaks fluent English. It was wonderful to meet with her and find out a few details about the boys. We already had found out most of the information she gave us but it was nice to be able to confirm it. She visited with each of the boys, asked how they were enjoying their trip. She works a lot with orphaned children and knows what questions to ask and the kids seemed to be comfortable with her. We did find out that as of Friday the boys had not been cleared for international adoption. They are legally orphans but the government must have paperwork submitted for a period of one year after filing them as legal orphans and prior to legalizing them for adoption. We are hoping to find out in the next couple of days if they have been cleared and if not, when their year mark is.

After Facilitator left we hustled to get into our Halloween costumes to go to the SAC party. We got there late, as our appointment with Facilitator had been pushed back so far. Upon arrival BoyOne decided that he no longer liked his costume. He saw that most of his friends were wearing only a mask or a mask with a trench coat. BoyOne is VERY self-conscious and insecure so when he saw this he immediately wanted to go home. He told one translator that we had made him buy the costume he was wearing but that he didn't like it. That made me mad. I called him on it and that made him mad. As soon as it was time to leave BoyOne was finally starting to have a good time. This seems to be the trend with him. BoyTwo, fortunately, is more easy going in these social situations (I'm sure age has a lot to do with it) and had a great evening, as did our girls.

We grabbed some food on our way home and by the time we arrived home everyone was ready for bed! All in all I would say that it was a mostly successful night. On the down side, I am getting sick. I've been fighting it since Monday and each day I feel it getting a little bit worse. Nothing too terrible, bad head cold. Hopefully it doesn't go to my chest...

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