Sunday, June 19, 2011


This weekend was fabulous!! It started with more cleaning of our house-not the one we live in, although it needs it, but the one we rent. I'm still so sad for my beautiful little house being so trashed. I really hope that the new renters show it more respect.

Really, this weekend started on Thursday while we were cleaning the house. My girlies were able to spend a lot of time with their good friends whom they miss very much. It was so much fun to be stationed at our old house. It was empty and it became the playground for the neighbor kids. They invented a game where they were running around, back and forth wildly and happily. I love the sound of happiness! It was great.

Friday, before we headed out to clean, my good friend sent me a text saying that 'Shop Hop' was going on this weekend. I was able to get some cleaning in and then Huz came up to take over so that I could go on a girl date. Shop Hop is a fabulous annual event where 15 or so quilting shops across the Wasatch Front team together and put on a big show. I looooooooove Shop Hop. I go with this same girlfriend every year. It always happens to fall on her birthday, too, so it's like a party. This friend actually quilts the stuff she buys, though. I'm currently in the collecting phase because I don't have time to pull any of it out. And when I do, I don't ever get it finished because a) I can't find time or space, 2) my youngest child decides to help herself to my projects and fringe them. Yes, true story. Miracle is that she is alive to tell it, too. Although I tried REALLY hard to not buy anything, I did. I love bright patterned fabric and I love putting together lots of fabrics that you wouldn't even think went together. It makes me happy. We ended the evening with a late dinner and lots of laughs and plans to have a quilting retreat in the fall sometime.

Saturday morning Huz went golfing with three of his friends. I love this group of friends. We've all known each other for years. The women like to sew and scrapbook together and the men like to golf. They all headed up our way with their kids and all the kids played their little (and big) hearts out. It is crazy to me to see how old some of these kids are getting. Being with them all reminded me how much I love to be with my friends. Ever since we moved up here, we've been really low key in the social department. I think it's because I ended up way busier than I had ever dreamed with school and then more than a little obsessed with getting this adoption rolling. It was a good reminder to me how wonderful it is to surround yourself with good friends and good food! I hope that we do it again soon. I will add that this morning when I started phoning everybody to warn them that One had woken up in the middle of the night throwing up, I received another warning about another kid having woken up with pink eye. The best thing is that we laughed about it. Who can ask for better friends than those. Oh yeah, one of these girls is the one that I drove to Evanston on the way to Park City with. Hahahahaha. Still makes me laugh.

Last night, I obviously spent a lot of time holding back hair and cleaning toilets and bowls. I think in my old age I am a little more affected by seeing so much barf. I started to feel gross, too, but it's all just in my head. Of course, all night I kept thinking of all the kids who don't have a mom or dad to sit with them when they are sick and it made me all the more anxious to get the boys home. It also made me want to bring home the whole dang orphanage. Sigh.

Speaking of the boys, I did a little bit of shopping earlier in the week for them. When I check them out of the orphanage, they will only have the clothes on them so I will need to at the very least bring pjs, underwear and a change of clothes. I must admit that I had a hard time choosing underwear!! I had no idea that there was such a variety. Girls only have two choices, grannies or briefs. Boys have knit boxers, cotton boxers, boxer briefs, briefs, etc. I was smart enough to know NOT to buy character undies for the big boys, but that's where it got tricky. Whatever, it just has to last them for a week until they get home and can pick out their own. I also had a blast picking out some shorts and shirts for them. I told my friends how much fun it was dressing BoyTwo last fall. It was like playing with a life size Ken doll. I ran my purchases by my friend's teenage son and he gave me some tips-thanks Bridger. I also decided it is a little awkward to try to figure out a quilt to make for boys. Girls are so super easy. Boys, not so much. I am working on getting the boys onto soccer teams and it was fun to actually be making plans for them here, in the U.S.A. Woo-hoo!!!!

Still no news on the SDA front. I know that in Ukraine things are always a little up in the air and that a lot can change overnight. In the beginning that was really hard to deal with. It was like having the best day of your life one minute and then going through the depths of despair the next. Holy heart attack. Now, I've sort of grown used to it all, as used to it as you can be, and just try to stay calm and wait for the next wave of good news to come. I've got a couple of friends headed to Ukraine this very day and I'm so excited for them. Luckies!! Hopefully, we're right behind them:)


  1. I'm glad you had such an awesome weekend. :) I hope you're right behind them too!

  2. Was it Ashlyn's brother Bridger? She is like my sister(: Well thats so exciting for you!!(:

  3. Okay, loved the part about how you like to put together pieces of fabric that never would be put together. It does make a very exciting quilt. It also makes a very exciting family. Love how you are quilting in your new boys and making something exciting!

    I feel what you feel when you are taking care of your kids at home knowing that no one is taking care of those kids like that. I still think about those kids everyday and wish they had parents to love them...even if it means holding their hair so they can throw up!

    You are one amazing lady!!!!
