Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Irrational Thoughts

Yikes!! The irrational pre-travel thoughts have set in. This doesn't usually happen until the day before I leave, so it's kind of a bummer that it has started already. The logical side of me knows that these things will most likely not happen, but unfortunately the logical side of me is really small right now. I thought I'd humor you with some of the thoughts that are running through my mind. So, for your daily entertainment.....

*How is it really possible for an airplane the size of a house to stay in the air?!

*How is it possible for an airplane the size of a house to stay in the air over an OCEAN?!

*What if I get kidnapped and held hostage in Ukraine?!

*What if I get lost in Ukraine and can't find anyone that speaks English and I can't get the compass on my i-phone to work and I walk in endless circles?!

*What is the 911 equivalent in Ukraine?!

*Even if I know the 911 equivalent in Ukraine, what if none of the operators can speak English?!

*Exactly how does the airplane stay in the air?!

*What if the court tells us no?!

*What if the airplane runs out of gas above the ocean?! How will I stay afloat in that freezing cold water until I am rescued?!

*Will my kids here really be okay without me?!

*What if some relative shows up at court and goes ape on us?!

*Will the airplane really stay in the air?!

*What if we get pulled over and thrown in jail?!

*What if I can't unlock the door to my apartment and have to spend the night on the bench?!
(This is more real as I really couldn't ever get the door unlocked-Huz had to do it)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The airplane JUST DOES stay in the air and trust me, the court hearing is only a formality. It's a bit of a joke, really. The apartment doors do not unlock for women and as long as you have Natashas phone number.....come what may. Put your mind at rest and enjoy your journey. Best of luck and all is well!!

  3. I think 911 is the same everywhere. Alex knew it before he got here.
    You will not go to jail as long as you have a few grivina's.
    The plane stays up regardless of how much you worry so just stop worrying.
    Your kids will miss you and appreciate you a little bit more for at least a day or two and then it will be right back like it was before you left.
    I can't help you with the key thing. I had a hard time too and I open locked doors for a living! (Real estate agent.)
    And who would go ape on you? You'd probably throw out some of your newly learned Russian, put them in their place and walk off with Boy One and Two in tow. Well, Boy Two might stick out his tongue at ape like relatives and say a few choice swear words but eh? What can you do about it? They'll get the picture. Don't mess with this American Mama!
    Just breath. You'll be okay. Can't wait to hear all about it and we'll be praying for your safe travel, smooth court and speedy return.

  4. Good luck and cant wait to see you in August!!!(:
