Sunday, June 5, 2011

p.s. to the last post

Everyone here cannot understand why we would adopt when we already have biological children of our own. They think we're nuts. Maybe we are:) They keep saying 'You're so young! How will you do it?' I don't know all the answers and I'm not the best parent in the world, or even close. For those people in Ukraine, it's hard for them to understand that things are so much different financially in the U.S. They also have a hard time understanding how we could love all the children the same at the same time. Here is my answer:

The more love you give, the more you have to give.

I know that love is not the answer to everything, but it sure gives you a good start. That and the loving guidance and inspiration that our Heavenly Father can offer. Wish us luck!!


  1. Very well said. So true! Adoption really does reveal love in our hearts we didn't always know was there. Love the posts!

  2. Oh my goodness. What an adventure you guys are having! Congrats on a 3rd boy! That's awesome! I hope things go well for you and are praying it will all work out. Have a safe trip home and let's get together when you do! *hugs*

  3. I just spent the last half hour catching up on your adventure. Wow, it all sounds amazing! Happy Late Birthday! I know, I'm a terrible friend. I thought of you all that day and never made it to my computer. Hope it was great! Lunch or whatever when your home. When are you home? Love all the posts and pictures. Stay safe :) Kristy

  4. Wow. You're amazing. I can't imagine how expensive this all is and you're attitude is so awesome. Good Luck!
