Thursday, June 9, 2011


We are home.

Our time in Ukraine went WAAAAAY too quickly. We are home earlier than anticipated, without any children. BoyThree will have his appointment in July, so we'll go back then. While we are there we'll have court for all three and then Huz will come home. Not sure if I will or not. I'd love to stay because I love it there, I did NOT like leaving the boys and the cost of staying there for an extra week and a half is so close to the cost of a plane ticket that it doesn't really save us money for me to come home. I'd love to go home so that I can see my girlies and catch up on stuff there. So, we shall see. Either way, we go back in July, have our appointment for BoyThree, have court for all three boys and then Huz will go home. There is a ten day wait after that before we can take the boys from the orphanage. After that ten day wait, we'll check the boys out (yippee!!) and get all their paperwork done so that they can leave the country as part of our family. We are planning on asking the judge to waive the ten day wait. The worst thing he can say is no, right?

We got home really late Tuesday night so our girls didn't see us until Wednesday morning when they woke up. They didn't know that we were coming home early, either, so it was super fun to surprise them:) The dog and cat were pretty excited to see us, too.

It was really hard to leave Ukraine. BoyOne has a soccer camp that he is at this week and then all 3 boys will go to a summer camp at the end of the month. They will stay there until we come back in July. Sheesh. July seems way too far away right now. We asked our interpreter, Yana, if we could hire her to visit the boys twice before they leave for their summer camp and she agreed (thanks Yana!!! You are the best!!). It's definitely not the same, but we are hoping to be able to call them on her phone and she will take them letters that we email her (they won't be able to get any mail at camp). I'm glad they have something to do to keep them busy until we are able to bring them home, but I obviously really wish they were coming home with us a lot sooner. Oh well, it is what it is and it's all good.


  1. Fun yes we are hoping to visit in July(: And please tell how/why are you getting a third boy!! I want to know the story!!(:

  2. I like the idea of waiving the ten day wait period. I had thought about that for you, hopefully it will work. What is with the soccer camp! I can't even send my kids to soccer camp and the orphanage sends them to soccer camp! Well, I am glad for them. Hopefully they have a wonderful time!

    Glad you are home safe. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Talk to you!

  3. Glad you're safe and home.
    Wow. I bet this wait will be torturous! But I think you did the best thing coming home and being with your girls.
    I have said all along "What can it hurt to ask to waive the ten day wait?" yet the facilitators seem to scared to even ask! I challenge you to MAKE them ask. Seriously. If anyone can do it, you can!!
    Thanks again for delivering the bows.
