Saturday, February 25, 2012


Well, friends, it would appear that BoyTwo 'big I likes' girls right now.

Thursday at school he kissed a girl. Granted it was only a cheek kiss (thank the heavens), but he was in trouble for doing it. Kissing is not allowed at school. On the home front, we're not okay with it either. I know that lots of kids kiss or get kissed in their early education years, but lots of kids weren't neglected as babies and lots of kids didn't live in orphanages half their life. That being said, I wouldn't be happy if one of my biological kids had done this or had had this done to them.

It's first grade for Pete's sake!! If we're kissing now, what does that leave for us to do in the future?! Don't tell me I'm being dramatic, I already know this.

After all he has had to say the past few days about girls, I could just see where this was heading with him. Made me pretty excited to get up Friday morning.

I spent all of Friday morning at the school. Originally I had gone to 'volunteer.' As I walked in, BoyTwo was being escorted into his classroom by another teacher. The teacher assured me he was not in trouble, but that she was taking a preventative measure by having him take something back to his desk that he shouldn't have with him. It was a pin. Like the kind with the big round face on it that has a design, or in this case, an inappropriate picture of a scantily clad woman on it.

I followed him into the classroom.

'Give me the pin.'

'I no this pin. I no have this. What is this pin?' said Mr. Pretend I Don't Know What She Is Talking About and Maybe She'll Let It Go.

Not a chance.

'BoyTwo. Give me the pin now,' I said.

He hesitated.

'Now,' I said again and he knew I meant business and he retrieved the pin for me.

After picking my jaw up off of the floor when I actually saw the pin, I asked him where he had found this.

He had found it at home. It had been attached to his brother's snow pants. Evidently they were handing these tokens of awesomeness out at the Dew Tour. So much for the family friendly atmosphere they advertise. I will be writing a letter.

BoyTwo was so relieved to not be in further trouble for the inappropriate pin (mixed feelings here. He knows he should not take anything to school with him. It is a rule. I personally hand his back pack to him each morning. I check his pockets frequently. The kid just doesn't have enough good sense to make good decisions so he is just not allowed to take ANYTHING with him to school. Remember the screw driver he took with him to use as a weapon? Yeah. Other problem. Although the pin was not his and he knew he should not have it at school, he also knew he should not have it because of the picture on it. Old habits die hard. Yes, you wouldn't believe the things this little 7 year old has seen.). I told him that he is not allowed to take things to school and that he would need a time out for lying to me, which he took. I then told him that this picture was not a good picture because it was not modest and we need to protect our bodies and respect them and we need to respect other people's bodies too. Modesty is a huge topic at our house right now. With the boys. I always assumed I would have modesty issues with my daughters as they got older. Who would have ever thought the boys would be the ones to break me in.

After his five minute time out, he skipped merrily out to recess. Five minutes later he was back in for tying up this girl that he kissed yesterday. He claims he was playing police and tying her up to be in charge of her. Now, when I told this to Huz, he didn't really think it was that big of a deal initially. We all played good guys, bad guys in elementary right? You know where you try to capture each other and put each other 'in jail'. Well, the problem is that usually you are all playing together, with more than one other person and the people you are playing with want to play this game. Also, we never physically restrained anyone. It was all pretend.

Good hell, BoyTwo. The child has zero good sense.

Also he hugs everyone. Anyone. At first I let him hug his teacher. She is a huge positive role in his life and honestly, most days I want to hug her too. He will hug the delivery man, the lady at the check out counter at the store, any adult that he sees he wants to hug. This also must end. He is doing the thing that we have all read about where he has no boundaries and will approach anyone anywhere...

We have had to give him a new rule. He is not allowed to touch people. Period. That eliminates a lot of potential problems right there. I'm a little bugged with myself that I did not think of this rule 5 months ago. It could have possibly eliminated ALL of our problems!! With one rule. Why didn't I think of this?!

So, aside from that, the end of the week was relatively uneventful.

p.s. he truly thought our suburban was a transformer. for reals. he was suuuuuper bummed to learn that it is not. this is what i am talking about. his reality is so messed up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh. Kissing? Alex talks about it but hasn't had the courage. When your in 1st grade you must have a lot more courage.
    And the transformer thing? Made me laugh but also made me sad. Because although funny, it is his reality. We have had some of the same issues. Some way out there ideas about what he wants to invent and or how cool it would be if this...ridiculous scenario happened and he really thinks it might? Good grief.
    Glad you filled your cup on Sunday. I hope it goes a long way. Sounds like a great speaker.
