Monday, May 9, 2011

We Have Tickets!

Well, we've paid for our tickets:)

We leave the morning of the 24th and are scheduled to return the evening of June 14. That is three weeks to the day. Hopefully that all works out... At that time, we'll both come home. There is a ten day wait that we will have. After that, I fly back to get the kids. Good times. I'm really quite excited.

The advice that I keep hearing over and over is to pack light. No problem for me. I am a light packer. When we went to Rexburg for my sister's graduation, I fit all my girl's stuff along with mine and our toiletries into a carry on size suitcase. Huz had two bags. heeheehee.

And, just because this is how life goes, let me give you a quick run down of a few things that have been going on this past week:
1) last weekend I was in Logan and did a U turn at the bottom of a hill and got a ticket. (I use the word hill very loosely. If I could figure out how, I'd post a picture I took with my phone of said hill on the blog. Think 15 degree incline.) Apparently that is illegal. But don't worry. I had $300 burning a hole in my pocket. Now at least I know what to spend it on. (total sarcasm here. I'm going to try to fight it on the advice of a couple police officers we happened upon)
2) somehow, one of our double paned windows broke. Three of the four panes are cracked. All. the. way. across. the window. $400. Bring it on.
3) our renters aren't working out.
4) another serious illness of someone I am close to.
5) our neighbor's dog attacked our bunny tonight. Luckily, we will not be having another funeral (I hope). Poor guy.

I think stuff like this happened to everyone before they left for Ukraine. I think stuff like this happens any time we try to do something that would really put a kink in Satan's plans. But I'm on to him. Sca-dat turd. I'm still going to Ukraine. I'm still going to have faith. I'm still going to believe.

Because you know what they say, the stronger the breeze, the stronger the trees...



    GO GET 'EM!!!!!

  2. Could you pass a little of your awesome attitude on to Ira? ;) *hugs*

  3. You are right about odd things happening, but I love the 'bring it on' attitude. You'll be great in Ukraine! Just don't forget your 6" heels.

  4. I want to come see them when you get them!! =D

  5. SO happy for you and your family.

  6. Yeah for tickets (of the airline type)! Boo for the other kind.

  7. I think we will be leaving for our girl's region the morning of the 26th, but if we are delayed I would love to get to meet you. I will be following your blog and here is my email just in case blogger shuts down again --
