Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Week From Today

This morning Huz said to me,

"Wif, we'll be on our way one week from today!"

I am almost packed, but I still have a ton to do. Any parent out there knows that it doesn't matter if you leave for a day or a month, there are lots of little things that you have to attend to before you head out.

This morning it is snowing. HELLO?!?! What happened to spring? Actually, what happened to MAY?! We should be on our way to summer by now!! It's all good though. We're not flooding, nor is anyone else up here that I am aware of. The creeks are all high and the reservoir is filling quickly despite the fact that they have been draining it for weeks.

Yesterday was one of our days in town. Every. single. time we head back home I have all the girls use the bathroom. I don't know why I bother. Every. single. time they all have to use the bathroom at the same place, which is no where near a bathroom, of course. (Except One) So, every. single. time I pull over in the same place and hold them all so they can pee in the great wide open. They haven't been able to master squatting on their own yet. I always wonder two things.

1) when will they be able to hold it for forty-five minutes?!


2) when will they just be able to squat on their own?

I'm beginning to think that by the time they can do the above two things, I'll be an old lady who can't do either of those things and then they'll have to help me squat:)


  1. You crack me up!
    Hey, did you get the hair bows from Anne?

  2. Oh so fun!!! Thats exciting!!! Are the girls coming?? Tell them all hi for me(:
