Sunday, May 15, 2011


This past week went by in a crazy blur!! I can only imagine how quickly this new week will seem to disappear.

I'm not in panic mode yet, but I'm guessing by this time next week I will be:)

Here's a quick run down of the past weeks' highlights:

-dog tried to get rabbit TWO more times!! I guess rabbits have nine lives, too, because he's still kickin'.

-went to the dentist. I won't give you the details but it was NOT pretty. Not at all.

-dog had diarrhea. inside. a lot.

-Huz's car broke down. Radiator. niiiiiice. I was driving.

-have hives from an allergic reaction to a new lotion.

-was able to get a few things done that need to happen before we leave!

-was able, with much help from Huz and girlies, to get the house in order!

-Benadryl is helping my hives AND forcing me to lay down and sleep!

-watched Two participate in the opera that her school class wrote! She was a fairy. Darling!!!

-was able to see several good friends over the weekend. Although each visit was very brief, it was so very great to see each of these ladies and feel of their love and friendship!!

Here's to a week full of a lot:)

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