Saturday, May 21, 2011

Huz is So Funny

Tonight as we were passing in the kitchen, Huz mentioned to me that he was only planning on taking three changes of clothing. I answered that I was planning on doing the same. Then he said one of the funniest things that only a man would say:

"...and I'm not planning on washing anything while we're there. I think it'll be easier that way."

I, of course, laughed out loud right then and there while I hugged my bottle of Dreft (that I will be packing along) close to my body.

me: "Over my dead body you won't be washing your clothes!!!!"

him: "Why?"

me: "Mmmmm, remember how the boys smelled when they got to our house the first night? We are going to be surrounded by that smell for two weeks (not planning on experiencing that smell until we hit the orphanage) and I don't need to be taking it home with us each night."

him: "Oh yeah. That was a pretty bad smell. Okay. I'll wash my clothes."

1 comment:

  1. The washing machines are pretty small so that works well. I'm very much missing my fabric softener from over there though. Here I do non-scented but there I actually found one that I love both in the bottle AND on the clothes after. *sigh*
