Thursday, March 24, 2011

USCIS, who knows what part

Judas. I'm going to have an aneurysm.

Just got off the phone with my bff's, the USCIS.

Do I have a case worker? No. When are cases assigned? Once a week on Fridays, but they were sure to tell me that they received their case assignments today and that I was not in there, so don't call back. Once a case is taken, how long do they take to process? I don't know. You can't give me any idea of how long it takes to process a case? No. How long does it take you to process a case? It's different for each person. (I wanted to say that I bet hers took extra long, but I refrained.) We have a date that our paperwork needs to be over in Ukraine and I'd like to make sure that we are able to make that happen. Can you give me any information? No. Our website currently says that it takes 75 days.

Just wanted to say how glad I am to see my tax dollars hard at work.

P.S. We just found out our friend's 9 year old son has an inoperable brain tumor and he has been given 12-14 months. The USCIS is not that big of a deal anymore.


  1. What was the turnaround time for the other families? What is this long? This seems ridiculously long, but I cannot remember for sure. And as for your friends son, that is a nightmare come true for that family. God bless them at this time.

  2. Man, they are not nice to you. I didn't have a lot of luck with a few people but one of the many times I called I happened upon a woman who took pity on my story. Here's praying for that to happen for you!
