Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tuesday started off as a wonderful day. BoyOne got ready for the day and asked to play on the computer. "gammas," as he calls the games he plays.

"Sure, da," I naively answered.

Fast forward to

4 HOURS LATER!!!!!!!!!!

I had asked, repeatedly, and nicely, for him to get off the computer. Seriously. How exciting can a video game be. Good grief. I was ready to throw the stinkin' computer out the dang window. I have never brought video games or the likes into my home for this very reason. Not so I wouldn't throw it through the window, but so I wouldn't be tempted.

Finally, I had to reclaim my title as mother and put my foot down and GET. HIM. OFF.

He was, to put it mildly, TICKED.

He wouldn't so much as even look at me. I had planned on taking all the kids rock climbing this afternoon, however that was not about to happen. I do not reward bad attitude. And, it made me mad too, because I love to climb and so do my kids! It was unfair to them, but it had to be done.

Later that evening he began speaking to me again, but v.e.r.y. sparingly. After dinner he went with Huz over to the church for a youth activity and some basketball. He came home happy as a clam and went right to bed. I've decided that the cure for teenage boy moodiness must be intense physical exertion. Ladies with teenage boys-am I right?! Is this the secret? My word.

Sadly, at this point I am seriously thinking there is no way he would want us for his family. He thinks I am so mean. Pretty sure there were some awesome Ukrainian potty words mixed in there. Maybe this language barrier is a good thing...

So. What do I do? Do I let him have a sweet, kick butt vacation of a life time, because chances are, he'll never have the likes of it again? Do I continue to provide a stable family environment, complete with structure and rules and take the chance that he'll hate me? This is really bugging me. It's reminding me of that old t.v. sitcom with Helen Hunt. She's a public relations specialist but she can't seem to get the new neighbors to like her and it is driving. her. crazy!! She pulls out all the stops and they could care less. That's how I'm feeling right now. (By the way-if anyone can remember the name of that show, please tell me. I can't remember!) I have spent many years as a youth leader and teacher, camp director, school volunteer and I have always been loved by these kids! What is the problem now?! And then, it dawns on me. In those situations, I wasn't worried about getting the kids to like me, I was there to do my job. Then, because I did so, they liked me. The friendship came after the adult role was completed. So, there was my answer. I am who I am. Take me or leave me.

But please, please, please take me....

1 comment:

  1. You are so stink-en cute!
    Was the sitcom "Mad About You" It's the only Helen Hunt one that comes to mind.
    And I think you hit the nail on the head. We had lots of sulking, pouting, silence and dirty looks and he still chose us!
