Sunday, October 31, 2010


While BoyOne and Chaperone were playing billiards, I went outside with BoyTwo. He was riding One's scooter which is not a regular scooter. It's a little bit big for him. He rode down the driveway and then one wheel went off the driveway and into the grass. This made him "wreck." It wasn't a bad wreck, he kind of rolled over and didn't get up. I know that more than anything this little boy was frustrated. He tries so hard to keep up with the big kids. I walked over to him and put my hand on his back and said his name. He turned his cute brown eyes up to me and said, "Mama." Then he reached up for me and wrapped his arms around my neck and put his little head on my shoulder and let me carry him to the steps to comfort him.

The title Mama is not necessarily a term of endearment as all orphans call the women that interact with them Mama. The exciting part of this story is that he reached for me and allowed me to comfort him. During this stay if he has become upset for whatever reason a 6 yr old gets upset, he just tries to be little tough guy. Handling all of his little worries on his own. And this time he shared them! That's a pretty big deal, I think.

It makes me wonder how many times these kids get hurt or scared or don't feel well and they have to just take care of themselves, or keep it to themselves. The orphanages, I'm sure, help with and take care of major illnesses or injuries but what about all the little owies that just require a hug and kiss from mom? I've been praying with them before bed each night. When I tuck them in I say a prayer for them each. I'm hoping that maybe they'll decide to share all these things with God. Then at least they'll know they aren't all alone. Maybe it'll help them feel better to share their feelings and and not have to carry the weight of the world on their little shoulders. Who knows...

1 comment:

  1. ohhh!!!! That is adorable. You and the Huz (not sure if you are using his name ;) are doing a great job. I've read all your posts! They make me smile feel inspired. Love you 1 through 8.
