Monday, April 16, 2012

I ite clothes Braune. thenks

This is the note BoyOne left for me this morning on the pan of brownies.

I eat close brownie. thanks.

Translation of the translation:
I ate a little bit of the brownies. thanks.

Which is impressive because he usually calls brownies cake, spelled (and pronounced) cek. lol.

I leave him little notes and in return, he likes to leave me little notes back. It's so cute. After so many months of forcing him to write, I LOVE that he does it on his own! It is fabulous!! He also likes to send me emails that say things like: uoy so fune mom (you are so funny mom) end i no go skule. it socks. i pley socar. (and I don't want to go to school. It sucks. I want to play soccer) uoy big puk. hahahaha. i so fune (you farted big. hahahaha. I'm so funny-just for the record, I don't fart and it drives him crazy. he wishes I would so that he could and have me not ride him about it.)

Interestingly, both he and his ELL aide feel that his spelling is great!


  1. Ahh. I miss those days of the interesting wording and heavy accented English. Sigh. They are gone forever...for me.

  2. Oh, so you have fart humor in your house, too? For those of us who have not experienced sons before, it is crazy!! Sounds like it is universal as well. Sometimes I can't remember what our dinner conversation was about before they got here!!

  3. This reminds me of the first time Alex heard me fart - he'd been home almost a year and 1/2 and he got so excited for me! He actually congratulated me thinking it was my very first time!
