Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Try Again Tomorrow!

BoyTwo's day continued in a steady decline. He was sent to the principal's office a second time for throwing snow balls. He was asked three different times to stop and even lost recess privileges. This did not deter him. Being sent to the principal's office did not either, apparently. When I arrived at the school to pick him up, he said to me, 'mom! BoyTwo fantastic day!' Fantastic is the highest possible level he can achieve for good behavior. When I asked him about throwing snow and punching he assured me that it was big good job because nobody was crying. Later, at home, he hit my neighbor's dog with his coat because it's ok to hit if it isn't with your fist?! For the love, child! For the love!!!!!!!!

Today started off great! Tuesday is my one day at home alone with my four year old, my day off from school. I get to do laundry, clean bathrooms, run errands, etc. After not having the freedom to do these things (unless it was in the middle of the night) the past few months, I truly love and appreciate being a stay at home mom who gets to stay at home:)

At 10:30 I had a call from the school to come get one of my daughters who had thrown up. I hate those calls because I always worry that they will have done it in front of their class and will be embarrassed, as if feeling sick isn't bad enough:( Luckily, this one made it to the bathroom in time.

An hour later, I had another call from the school to come get another daughter who was feeling as though she was going to throw up and who 'just does not look well.'

While at the school picking her up, I decided to check on One and BoyTwo to be sure that they were feeling well (they are, phew). I entered the lunch room just in time to see BoyTwo being hauled off to the principal's office for punching a boy in the face.


There is this sweet little boy who I have worked with at school before (a lot last year) who has some special needs. I do not know specifically what his special needs are, only that he has some. I know he has difficulties socializing. This is personal to me. I have two daughters who, while it may be mild, have difficulties socializing due to their own special needs on the autism spectrum.

BoyTwo punched this boy in the face because he was tapping him, trying to tell him hello and trying to ask him to play with him. It would be safe to say I wish BoyTwo had been punched in the face back. Do you know how many times a day BoyTwo taps people and is annoying?!

What happened to saying, 'hello,' or, 'please stop,' or 'I no play' or even just 'STOP!'? Let's face it, BoyTwo isn't exactly good at socializing either, which I know is ultimately why he did what he did. It still bugs big time that he punched someone. It only added fuel to the fire when I found out why. And my heart still hurts for the little boy who he hit.


  1. Ugh! Tough day :( Hang in there Momma! You're doing a great job with your kids...remember that their decisions aren't a reflection of you, but of a really hard life lived. If I could, I would come over and give you a great big hug!

  2. Sorry it was one of "those" days. I hope you didn't clean the bathrooms before the girls came home and got sick in the bathroom :) We had the same kinds of punching and kicking etc. by our new boys but in case it gives you any hope, we went to parent/teacher conferences yesterday and today and after a year and a half they are not beating up innocent children anymore :) YAY. The teacher pointed out that the social growth has been tremendous. So I hope you get to experience the transition too and the sooner the better.

  3. Hahaha, totally hear you on the vest thing.... luckily superman's was blaze orange and looked like a hunters vest packed with ammo... totally cool for a boy. I'm not sure what size your girls are but Under Armour Compression shirts work well for Daniel.. they come in Cold gear (for cold days) and Heat Gear (for hot days) the cold gear ones are a thicker material. Also if you try them make sure you get compression shirts and not the fitted or loose shirts. Youth Small is the smallest they have and fits about a size 6 (they are supposed to be tight but they don't restrict movement), so I don't know if they would be too big for your girls.
    And just another reminder of what I hope we don't have to deal with in the future... http://store.samhsa.gov/shin/content//SMA06-4241/SMA06-4241.pdf
