Wednesday, January 25, 2012

School Woes

Maybe I should have said 'education woes.' Although we do have plenty of school woes:), tonight's thoughts are on my children's education. Report cards came home over the weekend. It takes me back to the day when I only had one child in school and she was/is brilliant. I felt like such a stellar parent. haha. 'One is a joy to have in class.' 'One far exceeds expectations academically.' 'One is very gifted.' 'One is a good example and friend to all her peers.'

And I would smile and pat both her and myself on the back.

Fast forward to this past term. The principal and I are on first name basis, and a certain teacher is programmed in my speed dial, as I am sure my number is in hers-and it's not because of my exceptional involvement in the PTO. Despite the hours of homework we do and the flashcards we use in the car and the reading of road signs when we are driving and the counting of train cars that we see and the fraction practice we get while baking (prior to our new restricted diet), 3 of my 5 school age children are not doing well in school. And one of the two that are not included in that ratio is having severe anxiety over school. I am sad for my kids that try so hard yet continue to struggle so much. I am sad for all kids that have this stress of learning difficulties. Also, while I would describe myself as being 'intense' in the homework department, I also have to say that a big part of me doesn't agree with doing hours of homework after being at school for an entire day. We do what we can and still make sure that we have time to be a kid. Some nights that means we bag the homework and hit the slopes as a family:) (Monday)

I do believe we have a huge responsibility as parents to ensure our children's academic success. However, now I know that while parents do play a big role in their children's education, kids come to us the way they are and they each have their own personal struggles and talents. It's up to us to help them recognize the good within and not let their struggles keep them down. We will continue to do our best and be happy that we have the support we do and the resources that are available to us and keep on keepin' on.

Interesting aside, I noticed in the entry of the school on the announcement bulletin board, an advertisement for beginning Russian lessons, to be taught by none other than, you guessed it, One.


  1. That is so cool about the Russian lessons. Someday we are going to look back and see all the deposits that have been put into our "family account" while right now it feels like a lot of debits :) You are an amazing Mom!!

  2. Awesome for One!!! Way cool. :)

    I'm sorry they're struggling. :( Yesterday was one of those days when I was feeling being a mom was a really hard job.

  3. One as in daughter One? Amazing!!
    Yes. Kids do come in their own packages. It's baffling to me to have 4 children raised in identical environments and three excel - as in over the top - academically and the one lone boy? Yeah. Not so much. Then we adopt a 2nd boy and he's exactly like his brother. Doesn't really care. Not that important. It's two peas in a pod and they're not even blood brothers. Meanwhile I'm handing out hundred dollar bills for 4.0 report cards to the girls. Proof. It's just proof. Kids are who they are and even bribery can't change that!
