Thursday, September 1, 2011

Don't Catch Your Fall

We had planned to eat dinner and then go as a family to our local swimming pool for the evening. The pool closes on Labor Day, so we are trying to cram in some last minute swimming. I had the girls get their homework done early and then, while I was making dinner, I asked One to take my cell phone down the street to send a text. Weird, I know. I think so too. We don't have cell reception at our house. Hardly anyone does get reception at our house. For some weird reason, we just sit in a dead spot. Who knows... Anyhow, I needed to get a text message sent so I typed it up and sent One down the street where we do get reception to send it.

About five minutes later, my home phone rings and it's my neighbor. She tells me that she thinks One has just broken her arm. Evidently, One was riding her ripstick (a 2 wheeled skateboard type thing with a joint in the middle that you rock back and forth on to move yourself. just in case you have no idea what that thing is. the nurse, doctor and receptionist had never heard of them) and hit a small rock with her wheel sending her flying into the air and landing on the road. Fortunately, our cute little neighbor had just barely told her that if she ever falls, to not try to catch herself with her arms, but to roll to her side if at all possible. When she fell, she tried to do this. She still caught her left elbow, but it could've been a lot worse.

After spending some time at the after hours doctor office getting x-rays, the doctor decided it wasn't broken, but she couldn't tell if there was a fracture or not so a second doctor will be looking at the films in the morning. One was sent home with a sort of splint thing and a sling to wear for at least the next few days. Phew! I'm really grateful that she was given the advice to not brace her fall with her arms. I really think that if she had tried to catch herself, that she would have broken the bone for sure.

Now for the analogy (you KNEW it was coming!). I think about how often in life when things don't go as we had planned, or when something bad happens, how we often will put out our arms and try to brace ourselves, thinking we know what is best. Sometimes, we need to just roll with the fall. Do you see it? When life gets hard, do we go down kicking and screaming and fighting the whole way? Or do we allow ourselves to fall to our knees and let the Lord show us the way? I definitely think I've been a kicker and a screamer before I turn to the Lord, but I'm trying to kick and scream less and spend more time on my knees. It really makes everything so much better. This whole Ukraine thing has really helped me out with that:)

And because I'm into quotes these days, here's one more! This quote is for my friend's daughter, Tiffany, (although I think she's already figured this out:)) and anyone else who enjoys its message:

"When God takes something from your hands He is only opening them for something better."

p.s. Thanks to everybody for commenting. It's so great to read your words of encouragement and hope! I really appreciate and enjoy them all:) Have a fabulous day!


  1. Sounds like a great children's story at church. Love the quote. I've been following your blog since I heard you were at the same camp my nephew was just at, waiting for adoption as well. I couldn't stand hearing the conditions he was exposed to but I couldn't get enough. It made me pray that much harder for his safety, health and rapid return to the US.

  2. Poor One. And either your nurses, doctors and receptionist are really OLD or so young that they've been in medical school and not aware of the world around them. Even I know what a rip stick is!
    Good analogy!
