Sunday, September 4, 2011


Because it's not enough that I'm flying half way around the world for the third time in just over three months, I have the stomach flu. Niiiiiiiice.

I don't want to go. I want to have the boys here, but I don't want to have to go back. I don't want to leave my girlies. I'm sure that everything will be fine at home while I am away. I will miss them terribly. I love them so much!

I pre-registered BoyOne at the Junior High Friday. They were so. nice. I almost started to cry. For the record, this school year at the elementary is going absolutely fantastic! Don't get me wrong, the kids SPD didn't magically disappear or anything, and One is still ahead of her current curriculum, but things are working! Everyone is working together for the benefit of the kids! I am overjoyed. I still have serious stress before I go into every meeting as a result of last year, but so far, so good. The teachers are great. The principal is awesome.

I guess I'll try to pack. Seriously can't believe I'm throwing up. sigh.


  1. Stomach flu seems like a perfect chapter for your book!!! It will all be ok and think how wonderful your homecoming will be this time!!!!
    Send Yana my love and Helen too. Good luck, you

  2. You really are lobbying for the absolute hardest adoption ever aren't you! You win. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon and that everything goes amazingly well. I will watch for you on skype this week. Good luck!

  3. Whenever I'm in the middle of a bunch of junky stuff (have you noticed it all seems to happen at the same time?) I always say to myself, "This too shall pass....."
    Keep your chin up Steph! You're amazing!

  4. Okay, I totally think you need to have the smoothest transition post-Ukraine ever. Things like, they will come off the plane speaking fluent English. You will have no issues of disrespect or cases of the "I want's." Your children will all get along most wonderfully. Ya know. Things like that.

    Poor Steph. :( I've been thinking about you all day and that was before I knew you were sick too! I hope that your tummy has settled down. Good luck, my friend! You will have the most amazing group of friends to hug when you get home!!!!!!! Love ya!

  5. Hope You're feeling better by the time you have to leave. Maybe it's not a bug butrather just nerves. Safe travels!

  6. Where are you!!??!! I am checking on you like crazy for an update from your travels. Hope it's all going well.

  7. Steph,
    Tried to call you a couple weeks ago to get an update but you weren't home. I just checked your blog today and am happy to see that you are still going to go adopt your boys. Sorry that you are sick! I hope all will go smoothly this time. Seriously! Crazy stuff!! When you get them we will have to come to the Condo and pay you and your family a visit. Prayers are with you!! Love Jen
