Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Birthday Party

I'm slowing down in my old age. It was Three's birthday party this afternoon and I'm ready for bed now! I tried to simplify things, but it didn't really work out. I'm one of those crazy moms who loves parties. In the past I would come up with a theme. I guess I should say that I let the birthday kid choose the theme. The whole party would be dedicated to that theme. Then I decided that I needed to simplify and I eliminated themes for the past two birthday parties. I decided we'd just play plain old regular games and have cake and ice cream. Except that did not simplify anything! In fact, the parties felt more chaotic and were harder to throw. Maybe when I had a theme, I was better prepared. Who knows. Anyhow, we're going back to having themes.

I found an easy recipe for a yummy treat that I made today. Place as many mini pretzels on a jelly roll pan or cookie sheet as you would like. Put a rolo on top of the pretzel. Bake in a preheated oven of 275 for 3 minutes. When you take them out of the oven, press an m&m into the rolo. Yum.

I found a quote by Albert Einstein that I like. I have long held the opinion that there are many unrealized potentials in the world wether it be due to circumstance or desire, so this resonated with me.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

I leave for Ukraine Sunday. We are planning on being able to bring the boys home this time. Finally!! I am hoping that this time things will go smoothly and quickly. And if not, well, it'll make for some good stories!


  1. I love the quote! Best wishes on your mission to Ukraine! I hope it is a wonderful success and a fun adventure.

  2. So excited for you...Hope all goes well!

  3. I love that quote too! I just might have to post it somewhere.
    I am crossing everything that crosses in hopes that you have a quick, painless pick up!
    God speed my friend.

  4. Sunday!! (Check me out on the computer once again!) Have a great time. Let me know if you have any errands any where near here so I can come and meet you!

  5. Awesome quote. :)

    Yea for going back!!!!! I'm so hoping you get to bring the boys home. I can't wait to read all about the next part of the adventure, but hoping it's no more exciting than what you ate each day. LOL

  6. I love a good story. But, the best one will be a welcome home story.
