Monday, February 28, 2011

What Happened?!

This morning was off to a great start. Before the kids even left for school I had done three loads of laundry and one load of dishes. Unfortunately, that tells you what state my house was in over the weekend... I won't judge you if you don't judge me:)

Anyhow, while I ran One to school, the dang dog had a field day with the dirty pans that I had left on the counter (gasp! I know everyone else is the FLY lady and goes to bed with a sparkling sink). She broke one of my dishes that I bake with often so that was a bummer, but on the up side she licked all the other pots and pans clean. (Does that count or do I still need to wash them?)

Right now all 6 of the kids are playing Twister, every game and puzzle from the bottom three shelves of our game closet has been emptied out, along with the blocks. The upstairs is littered with the 40 million paper dolls the big girls have been making (who knew an American Girl doll magazine could provide such entertainment?! And we all thought it was the actual doll.)

It's all good, though. My house may look like it vomited toys, my kitchen like it was ransacked, but there are happy noises on the inside and that makes it all better:) Hope you all have a happy Monday too!!

p.s. I just threw a toy water pitcher up the stairs. I thought it was empty-it was not. At least I can say that I mopped today now! Maybe that will count as my shower too...