Tuesday, February 22, 2011

His bed

This is a picture of BoyOne's bed at the orphanage. Basically, most of his worldly possessions are on that bed. There may be a few other items that fit in a shoebox in the office, but other than that, this is it.

In case you can't tell what's on there, I know it's hard to see, there is a cassette tape, a letter from me, the manilla envelopes that the letters and pictures came to him in, the picture album we sent home with him from his time here, and a charger. I'm thinking that the charger may be to his phone. He is away from the orphanage at a "camp" getting "fresh air" to help him (and the other kids that were sent there) be healthy. Anyhow, we were able to talk to him a few times the first week he was gone, but now his phone is dead, so I thought that maybe the charger on his bed is for his phone. As you can see, theirs is a very nice orphanage, which makes me feel a little better about things. It still makes me feel sad that all those kids that are there have so little to call their very own. Most of them have absolutely nothing from their past that they brought with them. No baby pictures, no toys, no fuzzy blankets, not even their clothes are their own. It made my heart hurt for them. How would it be to know that you had absolutely nothing or nobody once you were out those doors. It's hard enough to imagine a life like that, let alone have that life be yours.

On a lighter note, Four says the funniest things. It really lightens things up around here. Last night she told Huz that her foot was asleep and that it was snoring (tingling, maybe?). A minute ago she asked me to take the crust (peel) off her apple. haha:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. It's been driving me crazy the way Alex saves everything! Junk. Junk & garbage. You post reminded me just how much he has never had and that even though it's junk and garbage to me, it's his to him!
