Thursday, February 3, 2011


Today was long. It feels like it should be midnight, but it's only 8:30 p.m.-and I'm a night person! I just pulled some ice cream out of the freezer and it's sitting on the counter, thawing just enough for me to scoop.

The house work part of having kids is driving me nuts right now. My house usually looks like a war zone, toys and kids everywhere. Today was no different. As long as everything underneath is clean, I usually don't care so much about the toys. The kids love to set up American Girl doll cities on the stairs, Polly Worlds on the pool table, frame the entry rug (carpet remnant is more appropriate a term) with jigsaw puzzles (at least they're put together).

Sometimes, okay, a lot of times, they like to leave this stuff out, which I get. I remember being a kid (vaguely) and working so hard to "build" your play stage, only to have to take it down and start all over tomorrow. So, I usually let them leave their cities and worlds out (the puzzles have to go back in the boxes each day. This way they at least have to put them together again tomorrow and it keeps them busy for 7 minutes). As long as I can pick it up and vacuum underneath, it's okay.

Except every once in awhile I wonder why I don't keep my house looking like nobody lives in it! How do people do this?! I'm sure they don't allow Pet Shop worlds all over the fire place or Noah's Ark to take place in the front room, but still. It's so discouraging. Now, before you tell me to have the kids pick up their toys and help with all of this, I do. I'm actually kind of mean in that department. My motto is if the kids are capable, then it is their job. I just get tired of supervising it and listening to the moaning and groaning. And, I have taken and thrown away the toys before, so they know that I mean business. I really am just complaining tonight. I know how to get it done, I just don't want to.

Like tonight, I had a houseful of kids all day. It was fun, really. They all played happily and messily:) and I cleaned the kitchen. Then, I made dinner, we ate dinner and now the dang kitchen needs cleaning again! And that is the straw the broke the camel's back. Or in my case, the mess that brought out the ice cream and landed me in front of the computer. By the end of the day I don't want to pick up any more or do any more dishes or laundry or clean bathrooms or any of that stuff that somehow all needs to be done again for the fifth time. Groan. I just want to sit in front of the fire place and knit with the house magically picked up while somebody spoon feeds me ice cream!!

Where is my magic wand?!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. Not quite so bad when they're older but still....they leave stuff everywhere. My friends tell me my house is so clean but truly it's just picked up. That's all I do Pick up. I never clean because I'm too busy picking up! I remember my mom did walls and windows twice a year. Dang. Not sure when I did windows last. Between dishes and picking up...that's all I can get done! *Sigh*
    If you find a wand, and it works, may I borrow it?
