Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Kids' Perspective

Because I used One's camera for our trip to the happiest place on earth, I then downloaded all the pictures on her memory card to our computer.  Later, as I looked through those pictures, I found quite a few that she had taken.  And they were funny.  

Without further ado, and for your enjoyment,

The drive to CO as documented by One:
p.s.  I'm providing the narrative, in their behalf...

 "Oh, look!  It's me, One, and I'm so surprised that I'm taking my own picture!  This is fun!!"

 "What the heck??  One just took my picture, point blank, from behind and upside down!"
 "Do it again, One, so I can be happy!!  Except you missed half my face.  Oh well!"

 "I love to smile pretty for pictures.  Even with candy in my mouth."

 "Seriously?!  Another picture?  There were several others in between.  But, it's really important to me to look pretty, so I'm going to try to still smile."

 "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear One say she wanted me to smile.  I don't even care if there is a picture of me without a smile."

 "I'm trying really hard to ignore her.  In fact, I'm sucking my thumb so I don't freak out and start screaming at One.  PUT THE CAMERA AWAY!!"

 "UGH!!  I'm pretending to be asleep and she STILL won't stop taking my picture!!"

 "It's okay if you are one inch away from my face.  I'm the calm, nice sister.  I can handle this."

 "See?  Still calm."
 "Mmmmm.  Food.  I hope mom doesn't see that I just shoved an entire _______ in my mouth!"

 "I practice keeping my eyes open without blinking for as long as I can!!"

 "What?  Somebody take my picture?  I no know this.  I too busy watch Brother Bear!"

 This is a picture of the scenery.

 Oh, look.  Two hours later it hasn't changed at all.

 "I've resorted to taking pictures of my mouth! because my siblings might kill me."

 "I've even grown tired of myself."

(on one row was Four, One, and Three)
 "Are we really starting this again?!"

 "I feel so refreshed after my nap!  I can even smile again!!"

 "Just so all the future generations know, I am eating an apple.  On an airplane.  While I take a picture of it."

 "This is my sister, Two, who I am about to rudely demand she leave."
**I actually quite like this picture!  Good job, One!**

 "Oh!  This bright!!"

 "Oh my gosh!  Really?!  Out of all those shots, this is the best one?!"
my mom and me

 no caption needed

 "I'm such a good sport, I'm going to smile really big!"


 Maxine, our 'lizard'.  Huz tried to be the cool parent and brought home this lizard (don't take this away from me, Huz.  It's the one thing that I do!!) that he found in a driveway to be our next pet.  Within 12 hours, our house smelled so bad that you could smell it from outside.  Maxine was upgraded to a much larger 'container' outside.

 Eventually Maxine appeared to be nearly dead, although we were trying hard to feed her and take care of her.  I was able to convince the kids to let her go near the pond on the golf course.  They made it a huge ceremony.  Shocking, I know.  I didn't follow along to photograph.  Take my word for it.

 "People didn't even recognize me at the 5k.  They kept saying, 'Woah!  Look at that zebra!'"

 "Seriously.  I should win an award."

 "Well, then, I get second place!"

 "I know I'm your childhood BFF, but I am going to throw your freaking camera out the window if you don't stop NOW!!"

 "I guess I'm going to have to put it away.  Sad!!"

Peace out:)

1 comment:

  1. I laugh so hard every time i look at there photos. I love one.
