Monday, November 19, 2012

Another Day

Life with kids is always exciting:)

Today I ran into a friend at our grocery store.  I had Three with me.

Friend:  "What are you doing out of school?"

Three:  "I got a 'cussion at school on the rocket."

Friend:  "What?!"

Me:  "She walked by the rocket (a super dangerous, in my opinion, yet fun spinning toy at the school) and the kid who was on it was hanging their head off and hit Three.  The other kid is probably hurt, too.  But she doesn't have a concussion.  I don't think."

Three:  "Did you notice that I lost my two front teeth?"

Friend:  "That's exciting!  When did you loose your teeth?"

Three:  "This one got knocked out at the Halloween party and this one got knocked out on the bus the next day."

Friend:  "Oh my gosh."

We finished our conversations and went different directions only to meet up again back by the frozen dessert/dairy section.  

Me:  "I'm trying to decide if it would be bad if I just brought frozen pies for Thanksgiving dessert."

Friend:  "I think everyone would understand."

Generally I love to bake.  I just may turn my love of baking into the baking of frozen goods this year.

I happened to be at the school shortly after Three was hurt.  I ended up bringing her home because she wasn't feeling well.  She seems to be doing fine now, just taking it easy.  Of course the one thing I kept thinking was that there is evidence of people developing CAPD after a head injury and certainly if a person already has this diagnosis, a head injury can't help.  

The dogs brought home a deer antler the other day.  Where do they get these things from??  Remember when they brought home the deer leg?  And the intestines?  They are attracted to gross stuff.  Yuck.  I am grateful that it is only an antler and that the head isn't attached to the antler.  

BoyTwo continues to struggle at school with less than stellar behavior or academic achievement.

BoyOne and I are working on his enunciation and pronunciation, a new favorite of his.  Not.  We compromised though.  He can work with me or pay for his own ST.  He chose me.  I'm flattered:)  His English lit class is having a 'Thanksgiving Day Breakfast Celebration' tomorrow and he has asked me to make cinnamon rolls to take to class.  Most kids are bringing a box of cereal.  I'm happy to make cinnamon rolls for him though.  He finally has a mom who can do this for him and I'm super excited that he wants me to.  I'm glad that he can have some of these opportunities even though he's in his teens.  We're both lucky that he can relive some of these experiences.  

One is doing great.  So great that I pulled her out of school today to go shop for some jeans.  After harping on her for wearing shorts every day (it's 20 degrees), she finally came downstairs in jeans this morning.  Jeans that could've fit me!!!  I guess I forgot to have her try on her new pants at the beginning of the school year and they are all too big for her.  Last year's are too small, so we took a quick excursion into town.  And I do mean quick.  45 minutes down, 1/2 hour there, and 45 minutes back.  Just in time for Three's accident.

Two is doing well also.  She jumped down the stairs on Saturday from stair 5.  Generally stair 4 is the highest I'll allow.  Not that I allowed stair 5, she just did it.  She twisted her ankle.  Later that day she was sliding down the stairs on a tupperware lid when Huz thought that it wasn't a good idea for her to catch herself at the bottom with her feet.  I could see his point, but they (all the kids) do this a lot and haven't been hurt yet, but I went with him.  She kept her feet up and ended up crashing at the bottom of the stairs and spraining her twisted ankle.  Good thing there's no tumbling classes this week.

Four has taken to dressing very... colorfully.  Not sure how to describe this.  I'll have to post pics instead.

Saturday I rearranged the girls bedroom.  They were ecstatic!  You'd have thought they had won the lottery!  Had I known this simple act was going to be so well received, I'd have waited and done it as a Christmas present.

Four's friend just told me that Four 'has a crush' on one of BoyOne's friend, although Four just told me she doesn't know what a crush is.  Four's friend went on to tell me that Four doesn't want to tell the boy this.  Four's friend thinks that Four should tell him this because this friend has learned 'to share her emotions'.  ?!?!  What?!  You're five!!

Gotta run.  BoyTwo just hollered down to me that there is poop on the floor upstairs.  Hopefully it's the dog's and not his:)