Monday, November 12, 2012

Old Tricks

As I mentioned last night, BoyTwo seems to be pulling out some of his old bad behavior tricks.  I can only assume that it is because of his newly proclaimed love for us and the vulnerability he is experiencing with it.  

Late this morning, I received a call from the elementary.  It was BoyTwo asking me to come pick him up from school because, as he says, 'need my medicine.'

BoyTwo's ADHD scrip ran out this past Friday.  I've tried calling the doctor for over a week now to have it refilled, but haven't heard back.  (For those of you who may not know, an ADHD medication is widely abused so to help prevent this, you have to pick the scrip up in person with ID every 30 days, only receiving a 30 day supply.  You have to call in a request for refill every 30 days.)  Anyhow, he was definitely busier (all the weird tapping and tongue clicking and body shaking, etc), but he is still capable of behaving.  The ADHD meds do not make one behave, only enable one to think more clearly, which in turn may help with behavior and poor decision making, but not a guarantee (obviously with the stealing...)

 Anyhow, BoyTwo told me that he cannot work because he did not take his medication.  I reminded him that he does work for me when he is not taking his medication just fine (he is not medicated on the weekends).  I told him to go back to class and called his teacher to get the scoop.  This morning as BoyTwo entered his classroom he announced to her that he wanted a new teacher.  He was done with her and wanted someone new.  When he realized that she was not going to simply pass him along to someone else,  he refused to work.  Wouldn't even hold a pencil.  Was sent to the principal's office twice.  Unfortunately, the principal was not there or else I'm sure he would have handled the situation well.  He's worked a lot with BoyTwo.  I like how his teacher dealt with him.  Minimal attention, yet continual invitation and expectation to work.

I decided to bring him home for lunch (he hates this) to eliminate any other potential problems and will be returning with him to sit with him for the remainder of the day to help 'motivate' him to do his school work.  It's hard to describe this adequately, but he is clearly playing a game here with the medication thing as it has never been an issue in the past.  Also the way he is wording things is not his typical phrasing.  When I picked him up and told him that we were going to eat lunch and then go back to school, he became mad.  He thought he'd be able to just come home and be done with it.  So, bring it on BoyTwo, you're dealing with the most stubborn woman alive.  I can take it:)


  1. I'm curious as to why he is not medicated on the weekends? Does he have a hard time with Mondays? Going on and off the meds that way could make him feel pretty crummy, though I'm guessing he would tell you if that were the case...
