Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dr. Seuss Day

For your entertainment, the Friday that was Dr. Seuss' birthday, in pictures.

Be sure NOT to enlarge this one, but at the same time look carefully at my glasses. Or rather lack there of. My glasses with my current prescription broke over a year ago. Ever since then I have been wearing my glasses from FOURTEEN years ago until they broke in half. (Not really sure why I still have them but I'm glad that I do.) Then, I'd just wear each side and if I was careful, they'd stay on for the most part. (I do usually wear contacts, but I don't usually put them in until after the kids have gone to school) Unfortunately, I lost the left side of my glasses. In all honesty, this is actually more fortunate than had I lost my right side, as I cannot see out of my right eye unless I have my glasses on. Also noticing that I REALLY could use some botox, holy toledo!! This is me, morning of.


Ahhhhhh, Dr. Seuss. Did he have any idea that school children everywhere would celebrate his birthday WEEK?! I feel really bad for those moms who don't plan ahead. You know the ones who, as they are herding their kids out the door and into the car and cleaning yesterday's papers out of backpacks at the same moment, see the note in each stinking backpack about the class 'celebration'? Yes, I'm that mom and we had to haul everyone back inside to change outfits (Three and BoyTwo were to dress as their favorite story book character, I know, not exactly Dr. Seuss, but whatever). Three quickly and easily transitioned into 'Fancy Nancy', as she is usually dressed as her double most days anyway. We only had to 'updo' her hair and add twenty flowers. It was decided for BoyTwo that his favorite storybook character is the kid from Pingo (which actually is a book he really loves) which made it easy to throw him into the car as the kid just looks like a kid and I only had to hand BoyTwo the book to carry. (Didn't get his pic because he just looked like himself and although he is cute, a lot of days he isn't acting so cute and therefore doesn't seem that cute so I didn't take his picture. mean, but true.) Two was supposed to have Dr. Seuss hair as was One. So lucky for me that One can take care of that herself. Unlucky for her that meant I forgot to take her pic:( After all that we were only fifteen minutes late for school. Phew. If that was hard to follow and/or made you tired, try doing it in real life. I would like to add that if it looks like there are still 40 backpacks in the hall, most days it feels like I have 40+ children...

My very own Fancy Nancy, a.k.a. Three. Her face is so cute, but the back shot showed the hair better. This is an outfit she would normally wear to school. I kid you not.

Two's Dr. Seuss hair, again, she also has a cute face but we're talking about the hair here.

And Four did not want to be left out, so with all of our remaining four minutes until preschool carpool arrived, this is what we came up with.

Dr. Seuss, I hope you know how much you are loved.

p.s. I currently have eight, yes eight, loads of laundry piled on my couch in need of folding. At least they are clean. This makes me feel better. The washer and dryer are also full. Dilemma: Do I tackle and the kids are off the hook, or do I wait and make them help which is what the plan IS, but is also why the clothes are all still sitting there... Is it going to be dinner and homework or dinner and laundry. Or maybe homework and laundry and forget dinner. Hmmm...


  1. Only a week? You're getting off easy. We have a whole MONTH of activities at two schools. Yep...haven't done much of said activities. And I don't feel guilty. Silly schools...a month of stuff is too much!

  2. Love the hair!
    And I love the glasses! You so don't need botox! You are darling.
    ARGH to laundry, dinner, homework dilemma. Boo.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. love Four's wittle cute fash! oooo, i just want to squeeze it. and go get some glasses! I'll get botox with you when you want to go!

  5. I love the hair do's. :) Super fun. Someday I want my kids to have a fun mom like you. LOL
