Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out

Somebody (me) thought it would be a really great idea if Santa brought nerf guns and ammo for all the kids for Christmas. After all, what says 'family fun' more than a good ol' gun fight??

Tonight as I stood at the sink doing dishes, I was nailed in the eyeball by a nerf 'bullet' by my four year old. Seriously, what are the odds???? Did I mention that my eye was open and that she wasn't aiming at anything, but that she accidentally pulled the trigger FROM FIFTEEN FEET AWAY?! How does that happen?? Anyhow, I am recovering nicely and I can still see. Phew. But really, it hurt!

As for the family fun that I mentioned? Oh how I wish I could post pictures. Our hard drive desperately needs to be replaced and until then, I can't upload any pictures onto my computer. Well, I take that back. I can, but it takes more than two full days during which time I have no access to my computer. sigh. It'll be getting fixed soon.

Back to the family fun. Tonight the family room had been seriously rearranged. As in the chair was in front of the front door, the love seat was moved into the middle of the room, both being used as bases from which one could somewhat safely reload their guns. We had two teams. Huz and the littles against BoyOne and One. I was the photographer. Rules included being able to use any ammo that had been shot (we have actually labeled all the ammo with everyone's names to prevent, as much as possible, ammo unfairness), faces being off limits and climbing on furniture acceptable. There was lots of Mission Impossible moves (jumping over couches and banisters, rolling across the ground, two handed gun shooting, etc.), laughing, and loudness.

Good times:)

I need to add how proud I am of Huz for INSTIGATING this. Usually he comes close to a nervous breakdown when he gets home from work and we're having the world cup in the family room. Super impressed Huz!! Super impressed.

I would also like to make note that BoyTwo has had actual possession of his gun for less than ten minutes since receiving it Christmas morning due to his obsession with purposely shooting people in the face...


  1. Can't wait for pictures. :) And I agree, we need to get together soon.

  2. Ha! I am sitting here in the Longbeach airport - stuck and what we wouldn't give for some nerf guns right now! You rock Steph. Hope you have a fabulous Christmas.

  3. Nerf guns are a favorite at our house. We, too, have the rule of no shooting at the face. When my boys were younger, we used to have rubberband wars and everyone had to wear some type of eye protection. It was such great fun! Sounds like you are all doing well with boys in your family!:)

  4. I was actually foolish enough to give my twelve year old a bb gun for his birthday. My brother had one; my dad got a REAL gun for his birthday. But, my dad being a gunsmith I inherited hard and fast and serious rules for guns - real or non-real - and Zhen could not/would not follow them! How sad to have to confiscate his birthday present! But, at least now I know I'm not alone.
