Sunday, December 11, 2011

Little Tidbits

Saturday morning when I woke up, there were five extra bodies in bed with us. Five!!! Our bed is not huge, only a queen, but somehow they all managed to wedge their way in. When BoyOne sat up and saw that nearly the entire family was in bed together, he smiled big and said, "Family!" So awesome.

BoyTwo pees sideways at the toilet. Way to increase the level of difficulty, buddy.

BoyTwo still, much to our poor noses dismay, continues to throw his toilet paper in the garbage. (this is what is done in their country)

Both boys say, "Shuppy door" instead of "shut the door."

BoyTwo has enjoyed dressing up... in One's old pink leopard print dance costume. ?!

When the missionary who had taught BoyOne bore his testimony at church, he said that he thought BoyOne's baptism had been very nice. Then he added, "horosho," which is "good," in Russian. BoyOne proceeded to give him a shout out of "horosho" back, right in the middle of the meeting.

BoyTwo still leans on the wrong foot when skiing, causing himself to fall over. Repeatedly.

When I attended 8th grade English last week with BoyOne to help ensure his participation, he was chosen to read aloud. At the end of his turn, he called on me.

BoyTwo asked me when he was going to grow boobs.

"Now Onny and Bonny and Wonny and Dance and Maka and Baka and Ninna and Finna."
Translation: Now Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. On Comet, on Cupid, on Donder and Blitzen. By Four.

BoyOne calls Huz's grandmother Babushka 93 because that is her age and he can't remember her name.

When BoyTwo prays, he says, "Dear Hebbenly Fahbber."

BoyTwo made it four whole days without being sent to the principal's office. This was a goal for him and therefore a big achievement. The principal did have to make a personal visit to BoyTwo in his classroom one day so as to not disrupt the chain of excellence we were nearing, but we decided to forgive it. At the end of the fourth day, on the way out the door, BoyTwo just could not handle himself anymore and whacked a boy with his backpack. He immediately looked over at me and said, "mom, just a little hit. Principal no schoola!" Because he knew that the principal was not in his office, but out helping herd kids onto buses. Little stinker.

And for a first. Today, for the first time ever, BoyOne whispered. Can you believe it?! The boys do not have much self awareness and we have been trying to teach them how to whisper. Until now, they have been unable to hear the difference when they speak. Today during church, BoyOne asked me a question in a whisper though. I almost shouted for joy!! Not only because the one volume at which they speak is LOUD, but because this signifies a huge step for him in his development. Very exciting!!