Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Past Two Weeks

Yikes!  There is a lot to catch up on.  I actually had written a really long and detailed post and decided it was not necessary.  This is still long, but much shorter than the previous.

* BoyOne's birthday party

*One's birthday and birthday party

*Two's birthday and birthday party

*BoyTwo had a seizure while at school two weeks ago tomorrow, witnessed by his teacher and entire class of 28 students

*I did not believe that it was real

*I felt terrible for not believing him

*ended up taking him to our pediatrician who referred me to the local (relative term here as it is roughly 1.5 hours from where I live) children's hospital ER

*received an order for an MRI and EEG and referral to see a neurologist

*BoyTwo has reverted to baby talk and climbing all over the car once again and I have replaced his booster seat with the 5 point harness

*While visiting with friends from out of town, BoyTwo desperately sought for extra attention

*BoyTwo announced to said friends that he had a seizure at school, his new favorite thing to tell EVERYONE and their dog

*BoyTwo proceeded to add that he 'no real seizure.  pretend it.'

*kept appointment for MRI and neurologist because really, how do we even know what to believe with this kid?!

*MRI was all clear, neurologist a little puzzled until I told him why

*somewhat entertaining to watch a neurologist try to maintain his composure while sorting through the fact that an 8 year old faked a seizure

*BoyTwo tells him he likes the way it makes him feel when he holds his breath and almost passes out (been trying to stop this since day 1) and the attention he got when he 'pretend'

*neurologist suggests seeing a behavior health specialist (duh) and cancels the testing he had set up for BoyTwo

*I asked neurologist to please look at the MRI for possible brain damage from past abuses and possible FAS (not always seen on MRI if I understand correctly, but wanted to check).

*neurologist says that there is no structural damage to BoyTwo's brain and that it is not missing any parts of the brain and that there is no structural reason that he should be so delayed or have such difficulty learning or any muscle problems (basically he doesn't have CP and we did not think he did, just covering our bases).

*BoyTwo has decided he wants to live in a teepee and use chopsticks to eat and learn 'China language'

*pretttttttty happy

*and honestly pretty sad that we haven't been able to help him more


  1. Wow. ... Wow. (followed by dumb silence)

    Um...I have had the real thing. However, I suppose he'd seen this before and suddenly recalled this and thought he'd try it out. It has been said that lack of oxygen to the brain can cause a feeling of euphoria. So, I suppose holding his breath could make him feel good.

    My biological son has just been diagnosed with epilepsy due to his acting weird during band practices and performances (and the subsequent results of an EEG and MRI). The doctor suggested we say three random words to him during what we supposed to be an episode and ask him to recall them later. He always could, so that was no help. Nonetheless, you might try this sometimes when you think boy two might be losing focus. Have you asked his brother if he knows anything about this, if boy two has done this before?

    Wow ... I wish I could help more.

  2. Oh Steph. I was hoping so much that this was the answer. That you were finally getting the help you needed to figure this little guy out. Dang it.
    I wish you lived closer. We could take him for a few hours - let him wear Alex out?
    If you're ever heading her for errands with Boy Two - let me know - you could drop him off and enjoy some time to yourself?
