Monday, October 15, 2012


Tonight my heart is filled with gratitude.

It's easy to get caught up in the every day race of life, to only see the long distance that is ahead, to fail to notice (or mention) all the beauty along the way.  One of my faults is that I find myself using this blog to vent.  While that is in and of itself not terrible, I feel I need to be better about documenting the gratitude I have for the life I have been given.  Easy parts and not so easy parts.

Tonight the kids were all in bed and asleep by 10:15, an absolute rarity.  As I walked around to their rooms and tucked in their little (and not so little) bodies, I couldn't help but feel so blessed by each of them.  I'm so grateful to be their mom.  I'm so grateful that I know them.  I'm so grateful that they love me.  I'm so grateful to have them to love.


  1. Very nice post Steph. With what you and tyler go thru you have every right to use your blog to vent. Hearing your trials really does help me and Val, and reading this post absolutely helps as well. Keep up the good fight, and let us know if we can help in any way.
    Mike C.

  2. Just never forget that as wild and crazy things get, you are changing the paths of little lives forever. You just never give up, even though you probably have every excuse to run away from it all, and you have an excellent sense of humor that seems to keep you going through the day. We admire your attitude and desire to raise your kids right! :)

  3. Love your attitude. I also like the venting because it saves me the time to type out the exact exasperations. When someone asks "so how is it... really?" I can just send the to your blog. Today was one of those days that I really should write down because I will think that I just dreamed it up later if I don't. Ask me sometime. :)

  4. I think - event though you vent on this blog - we (your faithful albeit somewhat slow responders) all know you love these kids. It's like I tell Alex, "I must really love you to spend so much time trying to teach you these things!" It's evident you love these kiddo's by the time and effort you put into helping them succeed and gratitude goes hand in hand with love.
    Keep up the good fight. We're all in your corner!

  5. Thats my favorite time of day. Isn't being a mom the best?
