Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Bet you can guess who this post is about:)

I must say that I am so happy that I am smiling and rolling my eyes about this.  I'm really glad that I've been able to... well, chill out.  

About half an hour after I finished telling my neighbor how great things are going this summer (overall), how great BoyTwo is doing, how he hasn't done anything super crazy lately, how he hasn't raged for awhile, etc, etc, I found out that today wasn't so great.  Maybe I jinxed it.  Who knows.  Actually, I do know.  

BoyTwo is incredibly impulsive.  This is just a part of who he is.  This is a life skill that I will desperately try to teach him so that he has a chance at being successful once he leaves home (thank heavens we have ten more years legally and eleven until he (hopefully) graduates).

It's quite a long story as to how I came to know all of these things, a tangled web, so I'll spare you the headache of a way too long post (which I seem to be a pro at) and wrap this up.

BoyTwo took an airsoft gun that BoyOne was borrowing from a friend.  (I thought airsoft guns were nerf guns, I was wrong.  This one actually looks like a rifle and shoots little plastic bbs which probably can't kill anyone, but they do hurt.  One had a huge bruise last year from being hit by one)  He snuck into the neighbors house, down into their basement and snooped around until he found their 'bullets'.  Then, he took them and loaded the gun and shot at their house.  In case all of that wasn't bad enough, one of the bullets went through an open door and hit their daughter.  The daughter of the neighbor I was just telling how well things were going.  He also broke the gun both functionally and the actual body of it.  siiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh.

I took him over to the neighbor's house where I had him confess to them what he did, apologize and offer to work for them tomorrow to 'pay them back' for what he took from them.  

Lucky me I have super cool neighbors that totally get this little boy of ours (the dad actually has a degree in social work and for a long time worked with troubled teens).  Their daughter is okay and they have forgiven BoyTwo.  I loved that they took him up on his offer to work for them tomorrow.  He will report at 9 a.m.  Bless them.

Later I asked BoyTwo about what he had done.  He was fully aware that what he was doing was wrong, but said that he did it anyway because he wanted to.  :(

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I hade made some other comments, but they just didn't seem...neither does this. Just, wow.
