Sunday, June 10, 2012

I forgot...

Here's a few random things I forgot to mention about this past week:

*One took it upon herself to ensure that the girls' AmericanGirl look alike dolls continued to 'look' like them and proceeded to cut their hair.  Yes, friends, she chopped the hair off of these $100 dolls.  I make my girls pay for their own AG dolls so really, this is not any concern of mine, except she cut off her sister's doll's hair, too.  That made me mad.  I'm still sorting out how she will rectify that situation.  Right now I'm trying to decide between her paying for a new doll for her sister, or giving her the same 'style' she gave the doll...

*BoyTwo evidently desires a career in the 'magic' industry and has been busy playing Houdini.  And by playing Houdini I mean locking all the bathroom doors in the house (multiple times a day) and proceeding to 'magic unlock a dees dooras' which isn't magical at all.  Especially when there are eight people in the house needing to use the bathroom and every single stinking door is locked and we don't have a key and he has his 'magic dis fingy' which is a stinking bobby pin and we have to wait forty-five minutes for him to 'magic open a doora'.  siiiiiiiiiiiigh.  (I did figure out pretty quick that I can use my credit card to slip the lock open so that has saved us many a time)  Every time I hear someone yell, 'AHHH  BOYTWO!!!' I know to grab my card and head for the nearest bathroom...

*Four slipped/tripped coming up the garage stairs and slammed her chin/teeth into the stairs.  She has a scab on her chin shaped like the number 10 (no kidding) and it knocked her top left front tooth back.  Not loose, just back.  We're hoping that it didn't knock it dead because at the rate these girls lose teeth around here, she'll have that thing in her mouth another four years...


  1. Man, what a summer you're having already! Maybe it will go by fast? :) I haven't yet decided if I want mine to go fast or not. At first it seemed SO long when I heard nothing but complaining the WHOLE first day from Ira about how bored she was. Luckily it only lasted a day, but man.

    Good luck with your bathroom problem.... And the food. Holy cow. I wish I had some wonderful advice for you. I've got nothing though.

    What's your schedule like? We should get together. :)

  2. I decided that you should let two cut ones hair. That is fitting since it was her doll. I could picture it now. Ha ha!
