Friday, May 4, 2012

Heart Attack

I think I can wait for summer.

I've been inside cleaning/cooking and I saw the kids go around the side of the house to climb the neighbor's tree.  I usually don't mind that they do this, as long as they are safe and as long as the neighbor doesn't care.  Sometimes they get a little high, but nothing that makes me nervous, nothing that I didn't do when I was little (maybe the height of a one story roof line).

As I rounded the corner to check on them I about had a heart attack.  Three of them were in the tree (it's a pine) at the top.  As in the little skinny part at the very tip top of the tree that is higher than the roof line of my neighbor's two story house.

I told them they'd better get down so I could kill them, unless they fell out of the tree and died first.  Good crimeny.  Unfortunately the tree is now absolutely off limits.  


  1. So glad to have the time to read your is so fun to read! Sounds like your life is quite an adventure. I'm gonna keep reading the rest, hopefully there are some pics too. I miss talking with you. I start classes again next week but I will try to call on Monday. I think you are are my hero. Most patient woman in the world! Take to you soon!

  2. I shouldn't admit this, but I did the same thing as a kid. It wasn't a pine tree though. I was 7, I believe. We lived in some 2 story townhouse apartments in Michigan and I remember climbing a tree outside my friend's apartment. Before I knew it I was looking over their roof. LOL I would totally freak out if Little One did that though and it would by all means be off limits. I don't think I'll tell them I did that until they're much older. ;)
