Friday, December 17, 2010


Two days ago I decided to make cookies. I do this way too often. I turned on the oven to preheat it and started putting butter in my mixer. Something caught the corner of my eye. I looked down and my oven was GLOWING. Not like the inside light was on, but some very unnatural, ultra bright glow. I yanked the oven open and


Little mini explosions coming off the element. I hurried and reached over to cut the power to the oven all the while thinking to myself that I couldn't remember what you are supposed to do for electrical fires. Fortunately, as soon as there was no more power, the fire started to go out on its own. A few minutes later it was out completely.

We later found out that the "element" went out. The element is the burner on the bottom. The man that repaired it for us said that it is not super common for the element to go out-ours is only 5 years old and has probably only had about 3 years of use total. He also said that it is most commonly caused by a self-clean. My thoughts on this were that I hadn't been cleaning the oven and it is pretty new. It could happen to anybody. It's a good thing that I was standing right there because it literally happened in a matter of 30 seconds. If I hadn't been right there to cut the power, it could have spread quickly. Sometimes I'll hit preheat and start a load of wash while I'm waiting or something. Anyhow, be careful when you are using your oven to stay close by. Be safe and happy holiday baking!!

P.S. I'm collecting gloves for the Matveevka Orphanage in Ukraine (see the post from yesterday). There are 300 kids there, ages 5 to 16 and none of them have gloves or mittens!! It is really cold there, too. Freezing actually. If you are able to donate a pair, let me know. We need them for boys and girls and lots of different sizes. I will ship all of them. Thanks!


  1. oh no!!!!! do you need a new oven?

  2. Ours did that LAST year a few days before Christmas! Weird....
