Thursday, July 26, 2012

I Have a USB Cord!!

Well, here's the start of a whole series of pictures!  Yay!!  Captions are below the pic.  More to come in the days that follow.  Warning, there are (I believe) 28 pictures...

 One, my oldest dancer, at her final competition for the year.

 Me, during the weekend that Huz decided to go golfing instead of be present for the 987987970 things that we had scheduled:)

 One coming out of a jump/leap (not really sure what it's called).  I was trying to figure out how to use my new camera that Huz bought for me since he was gone for that special weekend:)

 Three, my third dancer, second performance of that infamous weekend.  

 Four, my fourth dancer, third performance of said weekend.

 All the crazies, I mean kids (minus BoyOne who decided to NOT answer any of my phone calls or show up for his sisters recitals.  Can you say grounded???) with the lady that made that crazy weekend possible, my sis-in-law, Shaunelle, Huz's sister.  Really, she saved the day.  I'd better give a shout out here real quick to my other sister, Auntie Em (as she is known by my kids and all the neighbors kids who argue that her name is in fact AuntieEm not realizing that Auntie is her title) that helped out, too, but with the performances on the day before.  I have a picture that is worth a million dollars of BoyTwo dressed up in a little girls unitard cheetah costume that he LOVES playing in but then was really pissed off to be wearing at the exact moment the photo was taken.  It's on my phone though so I'm sure it'll be another 6 months before I figure out how to get that pic off of there and onto here.  Be prepared to cry laughing.

 Since when did my 5 yr old know to flash the peace sign when being photographed?!  Four at her preschool graduation.

 Each graduating preschooler had the opportunity to say what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Four originally wanted to be a football player, but the night before graduation broke down in tears saying that she had changed her mind.  She no longer wanted to be a football player, instead she wanted to be a horse so she could jump over cliffs, give people rides and run around.  (do you think just maybe she had seen Spirit recently?!)  Anyhow, no time to change the football helmet prop, but she did get up and say she wanted to be a horse.  lol.

 All of the supportive siblings.  At this point, BoyOne has informed us that he does NOT want to graduate from high school.  Ummmm, has he not noticed that his mother is the homework nazi???  Not a chance pal.

 Soccer star:)  Funny story.  When he got to America, literally one of the first things we did was register him to play on this team.  He had to pick a number.  He told me without hesitation 27.  I later found out that one of his Ukraine friends who had been adopted and was already in America had told him that in the USA 27 was a very popular number.  ?!  This is the sole reason he chose the number.  Now that he has begun to think on his own, he isn't so thrilled to be sporting a number that has absolutely zero significance to anyone.  hahaha.

 This is a sunset picture taken in my backyard.  We hardly ever get any sunsets because the mountains block them, so this is a rarity.  Isn't it lovely?!

 Four's 5th birthday!  

 We went to a farm/petting zoo for her party and a ton of baby animals had just been born.  Literally only a few hours old.  Aren't they so cute?!  

 This is the 'valley' that I live in.  I love it.

 Same view, just more zoomed out.

 Two on our first ever family fishing trip.  We didn't catch any fish (kinda hard without a sinker), got bitten by lots of ants, made a few homemade fishing lines, only one of us got hooked and we had fun.  Mostly.

 Huz, Three, Four, Two, BoyOne.  BoyTwo and One were both present, just didn't upload any pics with or of them.  oops.

 ooooohhhhhhh.  aaaaaahhhhhhhh.

 Hiking back down the road we had to 'hike' up because we (Huz) didn't want to take our 4 wheel drive suburban on it.  Yeah, next time we went up there I drove.  All the way to the top.

 Two, my second dancer, at her recital that was a different weekend than the crazy weekend.  Thank heavens!!

 We had so much fun at Four's bday party that I brought all six kids to the petting zoo/farm one day.  They had a great time.  Promise.

 One and her BFF.  This is them attempting to dress as fraternal twins.  I remember doing the same thing with my BFF.
 At Lagoon.  Can you believe that they are all smiling?!  Let this be a day to remember.
And we didn't even lose anybody.  Score!

 Two at her birthday party... 7 months after her birthday.  Did I ever mention that BoyTwo SEVERELY disrupted our family for the first year he was here?!  Better late than never, right?!  Look how happy she is!  And just think, she gets another party in just a few more months.  There really is something to be said for dragging birthdays on and on and on.

 BoyOne still would not shower regularly unless forced.  One day I was not in the mood or mode to haul his buttocks upstairs so instead I locked him outside with his swimsuit and a bottle of body/hair wash.  Huz decided to help him out.

 Unfortunately they both had WAY too much fun and no lesson was learned except that it might be really fun to be a dog if one were to die and find out humans are reincarnated.

 Look how happy he looks!  And I thought he needed food, clothing and an education when all he really needed was a garden hose.  Sheesh!

 Look at those two.  Boys!

I'll end with this darling picture of Four from her birthday party at the farm.  Huz will probably never quit hearing from us all how we want to live on a farm.  He is quick to remind us that where we live is much better than a farm, we live at a zoo!


  1. Love all the pictures! You don't by chance have the pictures from BoyTwo's baptism do you? If so, Can you email them to me?


  2. Gage keeps on pointing to boy one and saying his name. Love all the pictures!

  3. Gage keeps on pointing to boy one and saying his name. Love all the pictures!

  4. AWESOME. :) I loved seeing the pictures of the fun adventures you've written about. We still need to get together!

  5. I love reading your blog. It is always a time to smile, laugh, and cringe at times. You've got quite the talent and your kids are characters that provide plenty of content. They are so cute, but I can say that because I get to look at the fav pictures you picked out where they are all smiling. :) You guys are awesome!

  6. Stephanie-
    If you are referring to Christian and the #27, I hate to tell you where it REALLY came from! Some blonde/blue-eyed 9th grade cheerleader that was salivating all over him when he first got here....her bday is Oct. 27. Sorry, not exactly what he told him it was. Whatev.

    1. hahaha. that's so funny! I wonder if he was just so shell shocked that he didn't listen very well? anyhow, it's pretty funny now because it has zero significance to him, but it's on his back forever. those boys are so funny:) how'd they like the afy?

  7. I love all of the photos!! You have such a cute family and adorable kids. Miss you.

  8. Thanks for the comment :) I read a great book over the summer. It came highly recommended by a friend. When I mentioned it to a psychologist who specializes in adoption, she confirmed that it's one of her top suggestions. It's called "The Connected Child" by Karyn Purvis, David Cross, and Wendy Sunshine. I checked it out of the library instead of buying it, but I may buy it anyway!

    One of the things I found most interesting is that children adopted at a later age often have mimicking symptoms of ADD, which is a result of the brain forming differently because of the lack of care in the early years. This can be undone, but it takes a lot of time and energy. The book gives really good suggestions for retraining the brain, as well as words and techniques that help.

    I was also told that often parents report taking a longer time to bond with older children - the psychologist has even seen some families take 5 years to feel that parent/child relationship in a normal way.

    The sights and sounds of the lunch room may be overstimulating for him. You may want to push them to not include him at all, or make it a reward for Friday. His brain can't handle all the stuff being thrown at him, which is probably why he's crazy. He doesn't know what to do with all the sights and sounds.
