Monday, July 23, 2012


I'm back from girls' camp and all is well.  One came up with Huz on the first day and first night.  It was fun to have them there.  We had a good time but I'm glad to be home.

After skipping 6 days of 'school' BoyTwo couldn't remember half of the alphabet.  On the bright side, he could remember how to write his name which he forgot last time we had a break.  I'm still trying to figure out how in the world he's supposed to integrate into second grade, let alone catch up.  He has had much better behavior this summer, so I'll have to evaluate if I really want to send him for a full day of school.  If he ends up torturing his teacher and classmates like last year, and in turn torturing me, it is most definitely not worth it.  Do I want him home with me?  Nope, not really, but I may just have to bite the bullet and homeschool him anyway.

BoyOne is missing Ukraine and his mom there.  He gets like this every once in awhile.  Unfortunately when he does, he's a total brat to us all and acts like he's two instead of almost 15.  Currently he can't wait to go back to Ukraine where he will have a house much bigger and nicer than this house (our 4500 square foot house), a swimming pool in his backyard (because evidently a lot of his friends in Ukraine had swimming pools in their backyards.  um right), and a job where he makes a lot of money as a translator (fyi, my translator over there made $5/hr when-and that's a big and inconsistent when-she actually had employment).  Days like this I can hardly wait to send him back to 'realize' his dreams.

One is just dying to have a sewing/scrapbook night with me.  I keep telling her I want to as well, but coming up with a day and time for it is near impossible.  She continues to try to earn money and to come up with new moneymaking ideas.

Two has been working on her backhandsprings.  She can do a lot of them on the long tramp at tumbling and on the floor mats, too, but cannot get herself to do it on the floor without a spot.  It's all a head game right now.  I'm glad that she's enjoying herself though.

Three's main focus is to fit in as much playtime as humanly possible on any given day.  Most days she is successful.  She is still struggling with reading which is a frustration for us both.  So what?  I wait until she's in 4th grade and still can't read and THEN everybody is willing to help her?  What kind of sense does that make?  I'm not looking forward to the school year and all the energy it will take.  Don't get me wrong, the school was great to work with, there are just some things (procedures) that get in the way of success.

Four is having a bad case of mommy neediness.  She cries at church, at home, at bedtime, etc because she wants to be with me.  I don't think that she is getting enough sleep.  Other than that, she has cute chubby little cheeks that we love to squeeze!

I leave for Tennessee in 3 weeks with the kids.  I'm not sure if I'm excited or not.  I'm definitely excited to be going, just not so sure if I'm excited to be going with all the kids:)


  1. I was wondering why he was calling you steph instead of mom. Brat. Tell him that Gage doesn't get to go to ukraine, so he will never see his little buddy again. He was super cute with him while you were gone. He would show him off to all his friends.
    All your kiddies are so cute and adorable even when they are having moments. I will come up and watch the kids so you can have a night out with Savanna or with any of the other kids if you need to.

  2. Good times at your house. It sounds like it is about time for some little ones to go back to school. Same at my house. Let's get together sometime. I haven't seen or heard from Val for awhile. I cannot believe it has been a year. Although some days it is still overwhelming, I cannot believe the progress that "P" has made. It has been a year of some very fun "firsts" but many difficult lessons as well. There has been a definite learning curve on how to parent this child but it is finally feeling like a family. Families do not just happen they are made.

  3. I'm glad your summer is going well. I'm also glad that boy2 is behaving better at home with you for the summer. I've loved having my kids home so much this summer that I've thought about home schooling as well. I thought you already went to Tennessee? I guess we need another girls night out to get caught up. Did you get my message about hiking?? I left you a comment a while back.
