Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well, this little guy has been on my mind. More than usual. I'm posting his picture, but I'm not sure that is "allowed." Hopefully it's okay. He's stinkin' cute. And what a sense of humor!!

With all the problems we've had at school here, the past few weeks in particular, I've been, how should we say it, strongly advocating for my kids. I'm happy to do it, it's my job. Wish that everyone had happy, agreeable, attitudes, but hey, what can you do. Just keep going and this too shall pass.

Anyhow, it got me thinking. Who is advocating for BoyOne and BoyTwo? Or how about the other
210 million orphans worldwide??!!
What about the 423,773 kids in foster care?
That's just in the US alone.

Did you know that within a year of being phased out of the foster care system here almost half are homeless?

That's enough to keep you up at night. Good grief.

This morning I had a call from the school telling me that Two was in the office with a fever and an earache. When I picked her up, she was sitting in the "sick room" with the nurse sitting by her, holding a heating pad to her head, rubbing her back, reassuring her that I'd be there any minute. (Thanks Nurse Campbell)

What happens when BoyTwo gets an earache? Or sore throat, or bumped head, or hurt feelings? Or has a bad dream? Heaven knows there's enough going on in his little life to give him an eternity of bad dreams. There's no one there to comfort him. I know that it's what he's used to. But isn't that sad? That he's used to NOT having his needs met? Physical or emotional.

We only sent a phone to BoyOne because he's older and more responsible. Unfortunately, because BoyOne and BoyTwo don't see each other that often, we have only talked to BoyTwo twice since they returned to Ukraine. And that was soon after they returned. It's been a while since I've heard his little voice. Except lately, all the time, I see him in my mind and hear his voice in my mind. I think about how much he changed while he was here. How he started to become the little boy he deserves to be. How amazing it was to watch him thrive in a situation where he was an individual, not one of a mass. Where he was loved and considered and protected and cared for out of love, not necessity. I pray and pray and pray for him, his brother, all of the kids in their situation.

Ukraine postponed their moratorium vote again. Hopefully this gives a lot more adoptions time to clear.

I just might need to buy myself a plane ticket and jet myself over to Ukraine for a few days. Those boys need their Utah mami to give them a hug and tell them that they are special and important. (and maybe that they really need a bath)

I just might need a hug from them too. I miss them.


  1. *Hugs* I've been thinking about you. I'd give them a hug from you when I get there if I could. I think that would probably only make it worse for you though. You could just hide in my luggage. ;^)

  2. Sister Friend....we are one in the same! The whole time we were going through our adoption paper work chase I would think of my boy and worrying about if he was sick, or sad or lonely. Now that he's home and can speak enough English to tell me about his previous life he has shared that he had a friend that would come and comfort him when he had nightmares and he did the same for his friend. These kids count on each other a lot for the nurturing they are lacking. That's why it's so hard for some of them to leave the orphanage. They're leaving the only "family" they have ever known.
    Your Boy Two is such a cutie, it would be hard not to want to jet over there just to confirm that all is well.

  3. Oh, and I would totally post pictures! Good grief! What can they do? Nothing I tell you!

  4. I did it. I put his pic on there. I'm always a bit paranoid in the back of my mind that I'll end up in some Ukrainian prison...

  5. Stephanie! Oh my gosh, this tugged at my heart strings! He IS so cute...and he deserves a good life. Those boys DO need their Utah mami! So what is your plan? I still haven't heard. Call me if you ever get a moment, I'd love to catch up.

  6. Hey Steph my blog is
    That was so fun to visit you! I'm trying to convince my mom to let us come again in the summer, when it is warmer and maybe we can do some hiking. Tell Van Emery Elise and T hi for me
