One turned 12 this year. For her special day, we had a murder mystery party. I had been to one such party many, many years ago when I was around the age 16. Because I am creative (cheap), I didn't want to pay money for a party that was already scripted. I found a couple online that I liked okay, but ultimately decided that I could put together my own. So, I did. I ended up veering a little from the typical murder mystery. I decided that they were going to try to solve the mystery in order to 'clear their name'. There was a picture/video scavenger hunt they went on where they looked for clues, and then over dinner, they questioned each other and tried to convict each other.
The girls knew they were invited to a murder mystery and were given a character name and 'line' to say at a certain time. They were on their own to come up with costume and to develop their character. The names they were given, along with the line they had, gave them a little insight as to where to go with this, but enough freedom to make it theirs. They were hilarious. (Justine Bieber, cousin; Becca Reynolds, back up singer; Britney Speared, rock star sick of sharing the spot light; Willow Shuhney, back up dancer; Lauren Schooley, high school chemistry tutor; Cameran Shoots, magazine photographer; Selena Gommez, girlfriend; Housey Dog, the pet cheetah; Taylor Fast, country singer scared that JB may go country; Stacy Crimp, former neighbor and hair stylist; Alexa Frend, childhood BFF; Lily Paddington, ex-girlfriend from 7th grade, Melody Wright, jr high choir director; Madison Jones, number one fan; Sewnya Jackson, wardrobe assistant; McKenzie McFaddon, housekeeper.)
Upon arrival, they were able to see who's murder they were there for.
Team 1
preparing for the scavenger hunt
a sampling of what they were looking for:
*a can of dr. pepper that maybe had been J's last drink
*a JB look alike
*the # 12, JB's favorite number (not really, but just for the sake of the party)
*team members walking a pet for 5 minutes. the pet was 'looking' for JB's scent
*prepare a memorial sight for JB
*interview 3 people and get their alibis for the appx time of JB's death (this was THE most hilarious)
Team 2
On your marks, get set, GO!!
and they were off to solve the mystery and clear their names
This is what they saw upon arrival. Crime scene.
That's right, the Biebs. There is really no tie to him, other than when I was at the party outlet, they had this huge poster of him and in that brief second I envisioned what we could do with it. Yep, he was crushed by someone closing a garage door on him.
In the end, Justin made an appearance (Two, dressed up as a boy) where he announced that he had staged his own death in an effort to have some personal space and free time. No one was guilty. Phew!
To celebrate everyone's innocence, they decided to make a human pyramid. They never really succeeded, but here's a picture of them trying.
Later, we split into four groups and gave each group 12 rolls of toilet paper. They were to create a spy outfit with toilet paper and nothing else. Then, we had a fashion show and voted on the best spy outfit.
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
And this is what happened AFTER the fashion show. It was inevitable and they had a blast having a 'snowball fight'. The great thing about it was when we were all done and everyone had left, we just threw it all away. I know it's not environmentally friendly, but I recycle and try to conserve, we reuse and reduce as well, so I didn't let this tear me apart.
There was a lot of this going on, too.
Along with an impromptu talent show. Some of these girls were really amazing. Wow!!
I forgot to tell how, upon arrival, we finger printed all the girls and took mug shots. lol. Two, Three, Four and Three's friend helped with the party. They were officers and investigators and a pet cheetah. They fingerprinted, served dinner, and were truly helpful. We had a blast.
Another way fun part of this day was when I surprised One and had arranged for her BFF to be at her party. BFF lives about 3 1/2 hours away and so this was a special treat. Later the next day, BFF's entire family came up to spend some time together. We had a great time.
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