Monday, November 5, 2012

Ownership Issues

I've read that this is what you call it when kids with FAS steal things.  I've read that they truly do not understand that just because they see and want something, it doesn't make it theirs.  However, I have yet to find out HOW to deal with this.  I mean, at some point BoyTwo has got to learn to not take things.  I'm pretty sure his future boss won't be so chill about his 'ownership issues'.  Or what about the very same Tar.get that was super chill about his 'ownership issues' at age 8?  Pretty sure they won't be so accommodating when he's 16 or 18 or 20.

This morning:

'BoyTwo do you have any toys with you?'  every day he gets in trouble for taking toys to school and either playing with them inappropriately or at inappropriate times.

'No, mom.'

Unfortunately, I cannot believe him.  I do like to give him the chance.  Perhaps that is wrong, that he cannot make himself be truthful, but it's what I do.  

'Okay, then, let's check your pockets, just to be sure!'  I say this in a chipper voice.  I've been told that I have to forge a relationship of trust with him, although I may never be able to trust him, he needs to be able to trust me so that I can help him, advocate for him, etc.

Three of his pockets have things in them.  Things that do not belong to him that he has taken from people in our home.  Part of me is extra annoyed because one of the things he has taken is candy from my bedroom drawer.  Candy that was hidden underneath things in that bedroom drawer.  As if he doesn't have enough of his own stinking candy from Halloween???  He does.  He still has an entire gallon size ziploc baggie full.  Take your own candy!!!!  Whatever.  

'Wow, I'm glad I checked your pockets!'  which is true but I'm feeling much more sarcastic inside than I portray.  I move on to his backpack.  Generally I do this right when I pick him up from school to be sure he didn't steal anything from school.  I then check before school so that I know he's not taking anything to school that shouldn't go to school.

He has a toy in his backpack that I have never seen before which means he stole it.  Or he didn't understand that he did not own it.  This is incredibly exasperating.  

'BoyTwo, did you take this from someone at school?'

'Yes.'  at least he's honest.

'Did the person give it to you or did you take it?'

'I take it.'

'Who did you take it from?'

'I don't know.'  Which I believe.  He pays no attention to the world around him.  He calls anyone he knows by the same three names, SethWillGreyson, boy or girl.  Additionally, I don't believe he can recall things easily, even if he wants to.

So, off to school with Huz he goes to turn in the item that was stolen to the principal and have a consequence.  

Anybody else have experience with their FAS kids having 'ownership issues'???


  1. Buy BoyTwo a clear plastic backpack - you likely won't be able to stop him from "taking" stuff that does not belong to him, but you CAN make it easier for you to check his bookbag.

    You can buy one at Walmart for $9:

    1. Ordered and shipped. Why didn't I think of this!! Thank you.

  2. Also then the teacher can see what is in his backpack also
