Monday, September 24, 2012

District Testing Update

I received a phone call this morning from the school saying that the head of the ESL department for our school district had called to let them know that she could give BoyTwo a non-verbal IQ test to place his ability level.  

I believe this to be a good thing as it will show us, roughly, where he is at.  I should receive paperwork for this testing this week and will obviously return it the next day.  Testing is then required to take place within 30 days.

My principal also suggested that we appeal for a 504 for BoyTwo as he has a diagnosed learning disability (ADHD) which should not be relevant to his ESL status.  A 504 does not provide extra academic help but it does set in stone different accommodations that must be provided such as verbal testing vs. written testing, tracking of progress (my two big requests).  

Good start, yeah?


  1. I am glad Brandon has a champ in his corner as tenacious as you. Hopefully, this a good start to better things.

  2. Man, what a hard time getting what you need for your kids! Don't you love how everyone wants to pass the buck and not take any extra time or effort than a "normal" kid requires? I hope it works out well and you can finally get what he needs.

  3. Woot! You go mama bear! Can't wait to hear the results!

  4. That's a great start!! I love how you "fight" for you kids. You are such a great person and a great example to me. Thanks for being my friend Steph.
