Sunday, November 27, 2011

They Said...

BoyOne refers to everything and everyone as one of two things. A good job or a no good job. If he is really impressed, he will say big good job or no big good job. It is so. cute!!

BoyOne: "Mom! This is a big good job!" about Thanksgiving dinner.

BoyOne: "BoyOne no big good job." after school when he got in trouble.

BoyTwo: "Oh my goodness!" while watching the movie Super 8 that Huz assured me was okay for kids to see. NOT!! At least not our kids:) They were all scared (the girls) and scary (this is how the boys say scared). We were all crowded on our couches together holding hands and sitting on laps. It ended up okay... As in the movie was fine, the cuddling on the couch was great and nobody that didn't belong in our bed ended up there!!

BoyTwo: "Mom! Let's go!!!!" when he sees a deer out the window. We have deer in our yard every. single. day. Often multiple times a day. This phrase is used a lot!

One: "spacoinoinochee" a text that I received from her the other night from her friend's phone. (yes, her 11 year old friend has a cell phone!!!)

Four: "I want to sit by BoyOne!!" in the car, all the time. She has him tied around her little finger.

Our new favorite family phrase is, you guessed it,

"Big good job!"

BoyOne also says "It's okay," a lot. Only it sounds kind of like this, "isss ookee." That is his friends' favorite phrase.

BoyOne has decided to be baptized this coming Saturday, December 3, at 1:00 p.m. He enjoys reading the scriptures and praying. It is a beautiful thing to see him developing a relationship with Heavenly Father and with his Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to be able to teach these boys about prophets and scriptures and prayer and the atonement. It makes me more aware of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in my own personal life as I take the time to talk about Them to the kids and look for teaching opportunities.We are so excited for BoyOne to have this opportunity and are continually amazed at the blessings these boys bring into our family. We invite those of you who would like to join us for his baptism to do so. We would be honored to have you there. Call or email me and I'll give you addresses and directions.


  1. Wow! Big good job is right! Woot! Wish I could be there.
    Congrats mama!

  2. Yea! Count me and the girls in. :) We're looking at Thursday the 13th for Ira. We should chat! Email me directions and such. Do you still have my email?

  3. Wow thats so awesome he wants to be baptized that fast!! Congrats(:
