Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Flights Booked

We are officially headed back to Ukraine in a week and a half. The stomach flu is officially making its way through my house and will hopefully be gone by then:) I am so grateful that I can be here while my kids are all sick and take care of them. If I were gone, I'd feel so bad for them AND for the person taking care of them. I'm looking forward to going back to the boys, although I know that things will be different this time. Huz will leave the same day that we have our court hearing and the boys will be at summer camp. I'm not worried about being alone, but it might get boring. I'm not sure how them being at summer camp will work out because they seemed to think their camp was about an hour and a half away. I don't know if there is somewhere near the camp I can stay, or if I'll have to pay for a driver to haul me out there each day. That could get pricey. Maybe I could hire on as a temp and stay at the camp. Wouldn't that make for interesting blogging?

I am already packed... because I never unpacked. I just have a few things to get through these next few days before we go and then everything will be ready. I'm sad to be leaving my girlies again, but glad that Huz will be home to them so quickly.


  1. Glad you got your flights. Hope everyone gets better soon. Don't the boys have to go to court with you...I thought that they did. Wonder how all that will work. You would make a good camp director. The kids might actually get supervised and have a great time. It is really great that your husband will be home so will give you piece of mind. Best wishes for safe travel. Always praying for you!!!

  2. Yea!!!!! I'm glad you're headed back. :) I hope you littles get better soon and that you guys don't get it either. I'll be eagerly waiting for more blogging. :)
