Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is a great story. I can't believe that I left it out.

So, at the airport, after a little while of families and children getting acquainted, this lady walks up to me and says with a Russian accent, "Are you his family?" and points to BoyTwo.

"Yes," I reply smiling.

And she says to me, dead serious, "He is naughty. Very, very naughty. Keep your eye on him."

And that is how I met Masha, one of the facilitators for the trip.


  1. That's fun to have the boys, are they hard to communicate with? Kelsey Oyler

  2. I'm having a blast reading about your adventures with the boys in your home!! You make me laugh. Have you ever thought of being a writer? Your stories are so interesting and have details that make you want to read more and more!! Sounds like you guys are holding up and doing a wonderful job!! Good luck and I'm proud of your Family taking on this new challenge! Love L. Fife

  3. LOL I love Masha! We ended up having her stay with us for 12 days and loved it!
