Monday, March 19, 2012

Bite My Tongue

So, there's a lot to write about, but this usually ends up being the place that I vent. And because I need to vent, that need takes precedence over journaling.

BoyOne just spent the past fifteen minutes telling me how much his bedroom and bed suck. This all began because he wants a bunk bed. He also wants a basketball court in his room. And a t.v. And a computer. And a car. And a dragon. And a unicorn. (o.k. so I made the last two up) yada yada yada.

I asked him if he'd rather have his bed from the internat. That was all I said. I did not engage in this nonsensical bs. That is the bite my tongue part. For me that is biting my tongue. I do recognize that other, more mature adults may not even have said that, but people, I can't eat ice cream anymore!

So, do you know what he said? Let me tell you. He said yes, please, because his bed that he has now sucks and his Ukraine bed AT THE INTERNAT was big good. I was so proud of myself for not throwing him down in a choke hold. He wants a toddler bed without a boxspring and a wool rug for a blanket? This is the same bed that he told me just yesterday was crawling with lice and bedbugs. (although I don't know if that is necessarily true as the boys do not and did not have lice, but maybe at one point in the past that happened?)



  1. I am so proud of you.It makes your blood boil doesn't it?
    Alex still wants to paint flames on his walls. Flames? No way. I told him he can do that in his own house. It took the first year and 1/2 for him to realize that this life he agreed to was not all that he saw on American movies. No TV's and computers in the bedroom. No new bikes, blades, scooters and long boards just because it tickles his fancy. Nope. We had quite a few tantrums in Wal-mart over things like Sponge Bob Square Pants CD players. When he finally realized that not only do I not shower him in gifts each time I go to the store but that his siblings have to work and earn things too, he got a grip. Now, he's the opposite and always telling me stuff is too expensive. Like the ski program that he didn't tell me about that I really would have liked him to participate in.
    Oh well. I'd rather have him this way then acting like Richie Rich!

  2. I am so amazed. Pasha does the same thing. He honestly thinks that we have a never ending supply of cash. Whatever. Sometimes the answer just has to be no. I have to remind myself constantly that this child was literally taught nothing during the first 12 years of his life and to deal with him on the same terms as a small child. The other day at the store he wanted bubbles. Isn't that strange? He is almost 13 years old. He must be making up for lost time.
