Friday, January 27, 2012

Tonight Tonight

Our family theme song.
On accident.

Let me have you imagine how funny it is to be in a car full of kids and friends and they are all singing
'7 days of torture, 7 days of bitter'
The kids are ages 14, 11, 8, 7, 6, and 4. It makes me laugh.

or how about hearing them sing it from the shower?
or the time I was singing it and my 4 year old corrected me on the lyrics.
or BoyTwo, 'la la la, vatevah, la la la, it donut mattah, la la la, oh vell, la la la.'

One likes this song and has danced to it and began singing it a while ago. One night we were all in the car headed to ski and it had been a. week. She started to sing this song and surprisingly enough (it wasn't on our i-Pod) most of the other kids were pretty familiar with at least the chorus. One was the lead vocal and everybody else was back up. She was doing the callouts and everyone else was answering back,
'come on'
'all you animals' (how completely appropriate, by the way!!)
'let me hear you now'

Huz and I just joined in. After all, it had been a really, really messed up week:)


  1. Ha! Now when ever I hear that song I will picture you all in the car singing....

  2. Hum...not sure if I know that song or not. It sounds hilarious! :)

  3. I had never heard that song before. I had to look it up. It's catchy; it's got a good beat and you can dance to it. ... Anyway, that's kind of how my son learned listening to simple English language cartoons with simple dialogue. I'm not certain I will add this to my Pandora radio station, though.

  4. Jefferson, that made me laugh:) I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Kelsey!! It's so good to hear from you my dear! Tell your mom hello for me. We all miss you!!
